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Alma Accent Prime

Accent Prime is the most advanced treatment platform designed for rejuvenating treatments. It allows you to perform effective treatments for reducing body fat and cellulite, as well as non-invasive face and body modeling and skin firming.

The unique effectiveness of the Accent Prime device is the result of a combination of revolutionary technologies that have not been used in a combined form in aesthetic medicine so far: ultrasonic waves used for the first time in hi-tech equipment, including bi- and monopolar radio waves, which is the patented Alma technology.

Accent Prime treatments - ultrasounds + radio waves - fat reduction and body firming - Ambasada Urody

RF radio waves

Thanks to the use of radio waves, Accent Prime treatments effectively shape the body, reduce cellulite and fat. Deep, controlled heating of the subcutaneous fat layers and acceleration of blood circulation allow drainage of fat deposits through the lymphatic system, thanks to which cellulite is reduced.

In addition, radio waves heat collagen fibers to 45-60 degrees C, which results in the reconstruction of collagen and, consequently, improvement of the skin quality without damaging the epidermis (fibroblasts are stimulated to rebuild and produce collagen and elastin, the density, elasticity and tension of the skin increases).

Cold and warm ultrasounds

The patented cold ultrasound technology acts selectively on fat cells without disturbing the surrounding tissues. The vibrations of cold ultrasounds destroy the membrane of fat cells, causing their gradual disintegration and the release of fat remaining in them. The damaged fat cells are then excreted from the body through the lymphatic system. Accent Prime also uses the technology of warm ultrasounds that generate a compressed ultrasonic wave causing a high level of cavitation - destruction of local fat deposits with temperature.

By using the same head, you can work with either warm or cold ultrasounds. It is also possible to combine both technologies for the best effect.

Accent Prime - face and body modeling, skin firming and reduction of fat tissue and cellulite

Effects of Alma Accent Prime treatments:

  • Body and face shaping

Thanks to Accent Prime ™ you will get rid of persistent fat tissue painlessly and permanently from the area of the whole body and face. It gives exceptional results in shaping the buttocks, hip line and abdomen, and effectively eliminates the problem of the "double chin".

  • Cellulite reduction

Cellulite is a problem that torments many women, and the cosmetics, treatments and recommended diets offered on the market, in most cases, do not give the expected results. Accent Prime ™ offers a clinically proven solution that effectively reduces cellulite.

  • Firming and rejuvenating the skin

With age, the texture and vitality of the skin gives way to the first signs of aging - wrinkles and sagging skin. Accent Prime ™ uses high frequency RF energy to firm and densify skin, making it look younger and healthier, and improving overall skin tone.

Current promotions

Accent na okolice oczu - 4 zabiegi + mezoterapia okolic oczu GRATIS

Accent na okolice oczu - 4 zabiegi + mezoterapia okolic oczu GRATIS

Wysoka częstotliwość energii fali radiowej RF w sposób kontrolowany podgrzewa skórę odnawiając siateczkę włókien kolagenowych, co prowadzi do jej ujędrnienia oraz wygładzenia zmarszczek.

Promocja ważna do: 30.04.2024

Treatments prices:

Accent Prime RF - okolice oczu (lifting)

ujędrnianie skóry i wygładzanie zmarszczek
Zauważyłaś, że skóra wokół oczu straciła swoją elastyczność. Nie musisz akceptować tego stanu. Accent Prime™ działa na siateczkę włókien kolagenowych mobilizując je do działania. 
300 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Alma Accent Prime - face lifting

face lifting and improvement of the face oval
Have you noticed that your facial skin lost its elasticity and the beautiful oval disappeared. Or maybe you are disturbed by the "second chin"? You do not have to accept this.
800 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Alma Accent Prime - face

face lifting and elimination of the second chin
Have you noticed that your facial skin lost its elasticity and the beautiful oval disappeared. Or maybe you are disturbed by the "second chin"? You do not have to accept this.
400 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Alma Accent Prime - face

face lifting and elimination of the second chin
Have you noticed that your facial skin lost its elasticity and the beautiful oval disappeared. Or maybe you are disturbed by the "second chin"? You do not have to accept this.
600 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Alma Accent Prime - face

face lifting and elimination of the second chin
Have you noticed that your facial skin lost its elasticity and the beautiful oval disappeared. Or maybe you are disturbed by the "second chin"? You do not have to accept this.
1100 PLN 1400 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Accent Prime RF - neck

ujędrnianie skóry i redukcja zmarszczek
Alma Accent Prime is a truly luxurious offer of the highest class. A device from Alma Lasers with incredible possibilities to improve the aesthetics of the face, neck and cleavage. The platform, equipped with several heads, makes it possible to
600 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Alma Accent Prime - face

face lifting, improvement of the face oval, elimination of the second chin
Have you noticed that your facial skin lost its elasticity and the beautiful oval disappeared. Or maybe you are disturbed by the "second chin"? You do not have to accept this.
1200 PLN 1400 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Alma Accent Prime - face

face lifting, improvement of the face oval, elimination of the second chin
Have you noticed that your facial skin lost its elasticity and the beautiful oval disappeared. Or maybe you are disturbed by the "second chin"? You do not have to accept this.
1400 PLN 2000 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Accent Prime RF - cleavage

ujędrnianie skóry i wygładzanie zmarszczek
Alma Accent Prime is a truly luxurious offer of the highest class. A device from Alma Lasers with incredible possibilities to improve the aesthetics of the face, neck and cleavage. The platform, equipped with several heads, makes it possible to
800 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Alma Accent Prime - face

face lifting, improvement of the face oval, elimination of the second chin
Have you noticed that your facial skin lost its elasticity and the beautiful oval disappeared. Or maybe you are disturbed by the "second chin"? You do not have to accept this.
1600 PLN 2800 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Accent Prime RF - abdomen and waist

slimming the waist, elimination of flaccid skin on the belly after childbirth
A sedentary lifestyle, drastic diets, pregnancy is enough to have problems with the stomach. The skin becomes flaccid, and even intensive training is not able to restore its former
600 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Accent Prime RF - abdomen and waist

reduction of adipose tissue, slimming the waist, elimination of flaccid skin on the belly after childbirth
A sedentary lifestyle, drastic diets, pregnancy is enough to have problems with the stomach. The skin becomes flaccid, and even intensive training is not able to restore its former
900 PLN 1200 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Accent Prime - back or shoulders

modeling the arms, smoothing the back
There are areas on your body that you don't know how to deal with. With age or weight loss, the arms lost their firm appearance. The back with visible rolls of fat. Accent Prime ™ copes
600 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Accent Prime - back or shoulders

modeling the arms, smoothing the back
There are areas on your body that you don't know how to deal with. With age or weight loss, the arms lost their firm appearance. The back with visible rolls of fat. Accent Prime ™ copes
900 PLN 1200 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Accent Prime - back

modeling the arms, smoothing the back
There are areas on your body that you don't know how to deal with. With age or weight loss, the arms lost their firm appearance. The back with visible rolls of fat. Accent Prime ™ copes
600 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Accent Prime - back or shoulders

modeling the arms, smoothing the back
There are areas on your body that you don't know how to deal with. With age or weight loss, the arms lost their firm appearance. The back with visible rolls of fat. Accent Prime ™ copes
900 PLN 1200 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Accent Prime RF - thighs and knees

elimination of cellulite, thighs slimming, knees rejuvenation, buttocks modeling
Smooth, slim legs, modeled buttocks - it's possible and easier than you think. Accent Prime ™ effectively deals with fatty tissue, flabby skin on the inside of the thighs and above the
600 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Accent Prime RF - thighs and knees

elimination of cellulite, thighs slimming, knees rejuvenation, buttocks modeling
Smooth, slim legs, modeled buttocks - it's possible and easier than you think. Accent Prime ™ effectively deals with fatty tissue, flabby skin on the inside of the thighs and above the
900 PLN 1200 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Accent Prime RF - thighs and knees

elimination of cellulite, thighs slimming, knees rejuvenation, buttocks modeling
Smooth, slim legs, modeled buttocks - it's possible and easier than you think. Accent Prime ™ effectively deals with fatty tissue, flabby skin on the inside of the thighs and above the
600 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Accent Prime RF - thighs and knees

elimination of cellulite, thighs slimming, knees rejuvenation, buttocks modeling
Smooth, slim legs, modeled buttocks - it's possible and easier than you think. Accent Prime ™ effectively deals with fatty tissue, flabby skin on the inside of the thighs and above the
900 PLN 1200 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23