Normal skin is even, soft, smooth and well-vascularized. It is not over-dry and does not suffer from oiliness. However, the daily exposure to adverse external factors and neglected regular skincare can greatly speed up the aging process.
Dry skin is thin, delicate, sensitive and has a greater tendency to allergies. It tends to react with redness, burning or other unpleasant ailment. It does not produce the right amount of sebum, resulting in excessive loss of moisture and increases susceptibility to all kinds of injuries.
Sensitive skin may be acquired or genetically determined and usually occurs in conjunction with a dry complexion, prone to allergies and shallow vascularized. It is sometimes tense and difficult to soothe, often red, characterized by a burning sensation and itching.
Oily and combination skin is quite thick, shiny, poorly supplied with blood, with a greyish-yellow shade. Visible sebaceous glands in the form of pores are visible on its surface.
Tired, neglected skin with interrupted process of cellular respiration is gray, devoid of radiance and vital energy. It is characteristic for smokers and people, who work in closed, air-conditioned rooms, who over-use sunbathing and tanning beds.