With age, our skin ages, and these changes also affect the intimate area. Despite the fact that these changes are often not significant, they are a great discomfort in sexual life for many women. Thanks to the rejuvenation treatments of the intimate areas, most women have a chance to improve the appearance and thus the attractiveness of their sexual organs.
Take care of your intimate health and aesthetic values, and at the same time forget about insecurities and enjoy again the pleasure with your partner.
Partial or complete atrophy of the labia majora is a very common condition. The essence of the problem is the disappearance of the fatty bed of the labia majora (so-called lipoatrophy) and the generalized atrophy of the skin and tissues. This condition may be genetic or may occur in postmenopausal age as a symptom associated with very advanced stages of vaginal dryness.
Reducing the tension and volume of the labia majora may cause not only mental but also physical discomfort, as they cannot properly fulfill their protective role. Therefore, the consequence of the loss of firmness of the labia may also be discomfort and a feeling of dryness in the intimate place and frequent abrasions.