The structure of male skin and of aging processes are different from those that can be observed in women. Also, the effect are different as we get older. Rough men's skin loses volume, density and flexibility of the tissue. In addition to differences between tissues in men and women, there are also different subjective expectations of aesthetic medicine. To reduce the signs of the passage of years and retain young, energetic look, we offer treatments prepared especially for men.

Threatment prices

Hyaluronic acid

These are the deep folds running from the nostrils to the corners of the mouth. They occur already for young age. They are a natural cavity of the skin, but if they get too deep, they can give the impression of dropping cheeks. They can get deeper around the age of 40, because of gravity.

For filling nasolabial wrinkles we are offering hyaluronic acid with different densities. Filling treatments not only are reducing wrinkles and restore the harmony of facial features, but also contribute to skin’s regeneration. The amount of hyaluronic acid used in a treatment depends on the size and depth of wrinkles. It is usually 1 to 2 ampoules.

U can get beneficial effect of smoothing nasolabial wrinkles also by improving the shape of the cheek by its contouring, the so-called volumetric treatment.

smoothing the lion’s wrinkle
1 200 PLN
crow’s feet
1 200 PLN
filling nasolabial furrows
1 400 PLN
filling the smoker’s lines
1 200 PLN
marionettes wrinkles
1 400 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Botulinum neurotoxin

Botulinum toxin is a natural substance that, when injected in small doses, causes paralysis of the facial muscles responsible for the formation of wrinkles that appear during the aging process or are caused by facial expressions. By relaxing the muscles, botulinum toxin prevents wrinkling and folding of the skin, allowing for a more youthful appearance. The dose used for cosmetic purposes is individually tailored and completely safe. The advantage of the procedure is that it only affects the muscles where it is injected, while other muscles continue to function normally. After the procedure, facial expression remains unchanged, but a complete or partial disappearance of mimic wrinkles is observed.

lines in between brows
600 PLN
horizontal forehead wrinkles
600 PLN
crow’s feet
from 600 PLN
smoker’s lines
350 PLN
wrinkles on the nose - bunny lines
500 PLN
marionette lines
600 PLN
wrinkles on the forehead
500 PLN
forehead + crow’s feet
from 960 PLN
forehead + lion’s wrinkle
from 960 PLN
from 1 560 PLN
from 600 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Hyperhidrosis treatment

Botoks na nadpotliwość to metoda opanowania nadmiernego pocenia w sposób długotrwały i szybki. Substancja wprowadzona podskórnie w odpowiednie miejsca na twarzy blokuje przewodnictwo nerwowo-mięśniowe. W efekcie dochodzi do zablokowania nerwów zaopatrujących gruczoły potowe, w wyniku czego nie jest wydzielany z nich pot.

Leczenie nadpotliwości botoksem można zastosować we wszystkich charakterystycznych dla tego problemu okolicach twarzy, w szczególności na czole i nosie. Efekty zabiegu utrzymują się około pół roku w zależności od stopnia zaawansowania problemu, ilości podanego preparatu czy indywidualnych predyspozycji danego Pacjenta. Zabieg można powtarzać po ustaniu efektu i stosować w kilku obszarach ciała jednocześnie.

1 500 PLN 1 200 PLN
800 PLN 640 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Hyperhidrosis treatment

Botoks na nadpotliwość to metoda opanowania nadmiernego pocenia w sposób długotrwały i szybki. Substancja wprowadzona podskórnie w odpowiednie miejsca na ciele blokuje przewodnictwo nerwowo-mięśniowe. W efekcie dochodzi do zablokowania nerwów zaopatrujących gruczoły potowe, w wyniku czego nie jest wydzielany z nich pot.

Leczenie nadpotliwości botoksem można zastosować we wszystkich charakterystycznych dla tego problemu okolicach ciała: dłoniach, stopach, plecach czy okolicach pod pachami. Efekty zabiegu utrzymują się około pół roku w zależności od stopnia zaawansowania problemu, ilości podanego preparatu czy indywidualnych predyspozycji danego Pacjenta. Zabieg można powtarzać po ustaniu efektu i stosować w kilku obszarach ciała jednocześnie.

armpits, hands, feet
1 900 PLN 1 520 PLN
armpits, hands, feet
1 900 PLN 1 520 PLN
armpits, hands, feet
1 900 PLN 1 520 PLN
armpits, hands, feet
2 200 PLN 1 760 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Facial mesotherapy with meso cocktails

Mesotherapy improves the structure of the skin on the face and neck. Intradermal or subcutaneous injections of substances called cocktails, retain water in the skin, stimulate cell metabolism and increase the production of collagen and elastin. The cocktail may include: hyaluronic acid, organic silica, trace elements and the multivitamin complexes. The skin feels younger, well-nourished and rested. After a series of mesotherapy treatments fine wrinkles disappear completely, and the deeper ones become shallower. You can also see visible improvement of tightness and firmness.

I case of a very flabby skin, you can use stronger treatment called Mesolift. Even better results are obtained by combining with other methods, for example chemical peels. Peeling done before mesotherapy also helps the penetration of nutrients.

anti-wrinkle (5ml)
590 PLN
for mimic wrinkles (5ml)
690 PLN
revitalizing (5ml)
490 PLN
firming (5ml)
690 PLN
anti-acne (5ml)
590 PLN
depigmenting (5ml)
590 PLN
brightening (5ml)
690 PLN
biorevitalization anti-aging (5ml)
690 PLN
lifting ampoule (5ml)
690 PLN
regenerating and anti-aging (5ml)
690 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Botulinum neurotoxin

In addition to smoothing wrinkles, skillful application of botulinum toxin will give the skin a fresh, natural, and younger appearance, providing a lifting effect. Facial expression is controlled by a system of several dozen facial muscles. By using Botox, we can to some extent sculpt facial features. This method is most commonly used for shaping the lines of the eyebrows and forehead, lifting drooping eyelids, shaping the areas around the mouth, as well as rejuvenating the neck. Botulinum toxin also allows for correcting the jawline, restoring the former jawline, improving the oval shape of the face, and slimming it down.

lifting lip corners
350 PLN
eyebrows lift
350 PLN
eyebrows lift
600 PLN
uwydatnienie ust
from 350 PLN
uśmiech dziąsłowy
600 PLN
500 PLN
from 980 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69


Neauvia Intense Man
Neauvia Intense Man

Neauvia Organic Intense Man thanks to the specific formula of the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid (HA 28 mg / ml) and high viscosity is ideal for thicker skin and rapidly progressive aging process. Intense Man can be used to increase the volume of areas with reduced firmness and for filling lines and deep wrinkles. Like all Neauvia fillers, Intense Man is formed using the purest source of hyaluronic acid derived from Bacillus subtilis. For cross-linking they are using PEG polymer that allows to obtain the network made in the IPN technology.


  • The highest concentration of hyaluronic acid to ensure the effectiveness and long-term effect
  • Worldwide unique product designed for men
  • High quality raw materials (BSHA and PEG)
  • The slow biodegradation and long-lasting result
990 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Stimulate Man
Stimulate Man

Neauvia Organic Stimulate Man is the first filler capable to fight the passage of time in two ways. The high concentration of hyaluronic acid (28 mg / ml) and high viscosity of the hydrogel allows for longer maintenance of the effect fill tissue defects. The product also contains 1% calcium hydroxyapatite, which greatly stimulates fibroblasts subsidizing the production of collagen. Stimulate Man is formed with hyaluronic acid obtained from Bacillus subtilis. For cross-linking , they are using the PEG polymer, that allows to obtain the network made in IPN technology. Calcium hydroxyapatite fillers used in Neauvia are in the form of small particles (size 8 to 12 microns), cross-linked and evenly distributed within the hydrogel. This ensures stability of the molecules that are unable to migrate.


  • The unique combination of processes of filling and bio-stimulation
  • A high viscosity hydrogel better suited for male tissue
  • The results of clinical evidence
  • Exceptional security through the use of PEG and HA acquisition of Bacillus subtilis
  • The slow biodegradation and long-lasting results
990 PLN