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Combined therapy of Liposhock and Chinese cupping massage is an effective method that combines modern technologies with traditional, proven methods in combating excess body fat, cellulite, and loss of skin firmness. Both treatments work together on multiple levels, bringing comprehensive effects in body shaping and improving skin appearance.
Liposhock is a modern method using shockwaves combined with suction, which effectively reduces cellulite and excess fat in problematic areas such as thighs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, or arms. This procedure improves skin circulation and stimulates deeper layers of fat tissue, aiding in their burning. Liposhock accelerates metabolic processes in the body, enhancing weight loss effectiveness, and also improves skin elasticity, making it firmer and smoother. When combined with Chinese cupping massage, which has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries, the effects become even more pronounced.
Chinese cupping massage involves using rubber cups that create suction on the skin. The therapist then performs circular movements with the cup, moving it across the skin, stimulating tissues and improving circulation. This traditional treatment effectively reduces cellulite, aids in removing toxins from the body, and eliminates swelling. By improving blood and lymph flow, Chinese cupping massage helps eliminate unnecessary metabolic products, positively impacting skin health and appearance - the skin becomes tighter, firmer, and more elastic, reducing the visibility of cellulite. By combining these two treatments, we achieve quick and lasting effects in combating cellulite, improving skin condition, and body shaping.
Effects of combined therapy Liposhock + Chinese cupping massage:
- Cellulite reduction - smoothing the skin and reducing the visibility of cellulite.
- Excess fat reduction - body shaping and reduction of measurements in problematic areas.
- Improved skin circulation - better oxygenation and nutrition of tissues, affecting skin health.
- Detoxification - acceleration of the body's detoxification processes.
- Swelling reduction - decreasing swelling and feelings of heaviness in the legs.
- Enhancement of weight loss effects - metabolism acceleration and fat burning.
- Skin firming and elasticity - improvement of skin tension, elasticity, and firmness.
- Skin condition improvement - smoothing, moisturizing, and enhancing skin structure.
Liposhock + Chinese cupping massage therapy works in multiple directions, accelerating fat burning, reducing swelling, and improving skin tension and elasticity. This allows achieving a noticeably slimmer silhouette, firmer skin, and reduced cellulite visibility after just a few sessions. It is a comprehensive therapy that is safe, effective, and yields visible results.
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The treatment uses electromagnetic fields to build muscles and sculpt the body. It works on various body parts - buttocks, abdomen, hips, legs, and arms. The proprietary FMS technology, which is concentrated magnetic stimulation, triggers intense contractions for deep muscle stimulation, causing lipolysis in fat cells and apoptosis after damaging them. Both of these actions lead to the reduction of localized fat tissue and the tightening and strengthening of muscles. Depending on the body and muscle condition, it is recommended to undergo 6-8 sessions.
In order to achieve a spectacular effect of hair thickening and improvement of their condition and appearance, the therapeutic program should include a series of four treatments over a period of two months.
20 min of basic treatment for the whole body + 10 min of modeling 1 part of the body.
The treatment starts with 20-minute program for the whole body, which is aimed at the general needs of the body, for example: cellulite, edema, adipose tissue, loss of firmness. The next step is a 10-minute program, called "Focus", whose activity is focused on a specific problem of the body, for example: loose skin on the shoulders or abdomen, localized fat deposits.
The treatment includes facial lymphatic drainage and anti-aging treatment for the eye area. It allows you to offset the crow's feet, wrinkles, puffy eyes, dark circles and bags under the eyes. This reliable method of massaging the skin. It tightens and improves the color of your skin.
Body mix to urządzenie nowej generacji, które służy do walki z niedoskonałościami takimi jak nadmiar tkanki tłuszczowej zlokalizowany w obrębie brzucha, bioder, pośladków i ud. Ponadto zabieg skutecznie redukuje cellulit, a także wysmukla i modeluje sylwetkę oraz skutecznie zwalcza wiotkość skóry.
Body Mix 2 głowice - zabieg wykorzystujący laser biostymulujący oraz głowicę High Power integrującą w sobie fotostymulację, krioterapię i masaż endodermiczny. Poprawia ukrwienie tkanek, przyczyniając się do jej drenażu i oczyszczenia. Masaż sondą zasysającą modeluje figurę oraz stymuluje cyrkulację limfatyczną. Zabieg zwalcza cellulit w sposób szybki, trwały i bezbolesny, ale także zapobiega jego rozwojowi. Dodatkowo usuwa niedoskonałości sylwetki i modeluje figurę. Oczyszcza je oraz usuwa zalegające w nich płyny i toksyny. Poprawia funkcjonowanie układu limfatycznego. Efekt wymodelowania widoczny jest już po pierwszym zabiegu.
Body Mix 3 głowice - zabieg polega na komplementarnym wykorzystaniu sześciu sił, które, sprzymierzone ze sobą, zapewniają znakomite rezultaty terapii. Promieniowanie lasera ułatwia spalanie tłuszczu oraz stymuluje produkcję włókien kolagenowych i elastynowych. Głowica RF oddziałuje bezpośrednio na podskórną tkankę tłuszczową, obkurcza i porządkuje zwiotczałe włókna, poprawia metabolizm komórkowy i mikrocyrkulację. Wielofunkcyjna głowica Hi Power łączy fotostymulację, krioterapię i masaż endodermiczny. Fotostymulacja i krioterapia usuwają zalegające w tkankach płyny i toksyny, poprawiają mikrokrążenie, co razem daje efekt mikrofitnessu naczyń.
The unique procedure performed by VelaShape device for women after childbirth, which allows to reduce the accumulated fat during pregnancy and more flexible skin in selected parts of the body - around the abdomen, hips or thighs in a short amount of time. Parameters of the treatment are tailored specifically to the needs of new mothers. The treatments are painless and do not require any recovery. Most importantly, you can begin this series as early as 2 months after giving birth.
VelaShape II is a non-invasive device that effectively and safely shapes the silhouette, reduces body circumference, and cellulite while improving skin tone, firmness, and texture. The device offers 3-7 cm reduction in body circumference in the treated area after just 3-4 sessions. VelaShape II can also be safely used after liposuction procedures to improve skin condition post-childbirth or weight loss, and to enhance blood and lymphatic circulation.
SkinShock breaks down fat cells, improves skin tone, eliminates swelling by stimulating blood circulation and the lymphatic system. The result of LipoShock treatment is also a loss of centimeters in body circumference. The skin becomes smoother, firmer, and more elastic after the procedure, while cellulite and local imperfections are eliminated.
Onda firmy Deka to nowa technologia służąca do trwałego usuwania z tkanki tłuszczowej. Przy pomocy Onda możemy wymodelować sylwetkę w dowolnej partii ciała, zredukować nawet zaawansowany cellulit oraz ujędrnić i wygładzić skórę na brzuchu, udach, pośladkach czy plecach, a wszystko dzięki możliwości wykorzystania dwóch rodzajów głowic dostosowanych do nieinwazyjnej penetracji skóry na odpowiedniej głębokości.
Dzięki wykorzystaniu unikalnych mikrofal Coolwaves, zabieg Onda pozwala na docieranie do głęboko nagromadzonej tkanki tłuszczowej. Redukcja komórek tłuszczowych odbywa się w sposób ściśle selektywny i zlokalizowany. Mikrofale Coolwaves działają precyzyjnie i głęboko na membrany komórek tłuszczowych, prowadząc do ich rozbicia, a następnie usunięcia z organizmu w sposób naturalny, metabolicznie. Dodatkową, główna zaletą zabiegu jest bezinwazyjność - bez ryzyka naruszenia otaczających tkanek, bezpiecznie i komfortowo dla pacjenta.
Technologia Onda pozwala na nie tylko redukcję tkanki tłuszczowej, ale redukuje też cellulit oraz ujędrniania skórę.
VelaShape III allows you to reduce the circumference of the body by up to 7 cm, after just 4 treatments, while firming and elasticizing the skin.
VelaShape III works on all areas of the body, including the chin and arms. The device allows you to slim down the abdomen, sides, thighs, hips, breeches, knees, as well as remove rolls on the back, armpits and under the breasts.
The effectiveness of VelaShape III has been confirmed by the FDA (American government health foundation)
In addition to the lifting treatments on the entire face and neck, you can perform treatments for the problematic areas:
- lifting treatment for facial contours, corners of the mouth, improving face oval,
- an assisting treatment for acne cure, acne scars and post-injuries,
- a treatment to shallow wrinkles and decrease the size of pores,
- a treatment for reducing the drooping of the upper eyelid,
- a treatment reducing swelling and dark circles under the eyes.
Beautytek for breasts is a modern, non-invasive technology that provides lifting and firming of the breasts. Through biocybernetic remodeling, the treatment improves the appearance of the breasts by stimulating the tissues, improving their elasticity and tension. Beautytek utilizes microcurrents and biofeedback technology, allowing for individual adjustment of the treatment intensity based on the skin and muscle reactions. It is an ideal alternative for individuals who want to enhance the appearance of their breasts without the risks and side effects associated with surgical procedures.
How does Beautytek for breasts work?
Beautytek uses microcurrents that effectively stimulate the skin and muscles of the breasts. This technology stimulates the muscles and skin tissues for regeneration, leading to improved tension and elasticity. Additionally, the biofeedback technology analyzes the tissue's response to the microcurrents and automatically adjusts the treatment intensity to achieve the best results.
Effects of Beautytek treatment for breasts:
- Breast lifting (up to 2-3 cm)
- Improvement in breast shape and fullness
- Firmness and elasticity of the skin and breast muscles
- Elevation of the nipples
- Long-lasting effects without risks or side effects
Why is it recommended to undergo a series of breast treatments?
To achieve lasting and visible results, a series of treatments is recommended. Breast Bio-lifting works best when treatments are done regularly, every 2-3 days, in a series of 6-10 sessions. Regular stimulation of the breast tissues allows for maximum effects that last for a long time. After completing the series, the effects are long-lasting, and to maintain the results, it is advisable to have maintenance treatments every 4-6 weeks.
Breast Bio-lifting is an excellent option for individuals who want to enhance the appearance of their breasts without the risks and side effects associated with plastic surgery.
Pakiet silnie wyszczuplający, przeciwcellulitowy i ujędrniający
LipoShock rozbija komórki tłuszczowe i poprawia napięcie skóry oraz likwiduje obrzęki poprzez pobudzenie krwiobiegu i układu limfatycznego. Efektem działania Liposhock jest również utrata centymetrów w obwodzie ciała. Skóra po zabiegu staje się gładsza, jędrna i bardziej sprężysta, a cellulit i miejscowe niedoskonałości zostają zlikwidowane.
Body Mix RF to najnowszej generacji urządzenie do walki z niedoskonałościami ciała i nadmiarem tkanki tłuszczowej. Bazuje nie na jednej, ale na kilku zaawansowanych technologiach (laser biostymulujący, fotostymulacja, krioterapia, masaż endodermiczny). Urządzenie zaprojektowane zostało przez naukowców na redukcję cellulitu, modelowanie sylwetki, wysmuklenie, poprawę i wzmocnienie ścian naczyń. W najnowszym urządzeniu, dzięki nowoczesnej technologii rozwiązanej głowicą RF, Body Mix walczy również z widocznymi zwiotczeniami skóry.
Pakiet obejmuje 12 zabiegów łączonych (6 wizyt) na wybrane okolice:
6 x Body Mix RF + 6 x LipoShock
Effective rejuvenation and firming of facial skin
Endermology LPG Integral Endermolift is one of the most effective methods for rejuvenating and firming facial skin. Regular treatments bring spectacular results in smoothing wrinkles, improving skin tension, and enhancing facial contours. It is an excellent way to restore a youthful appearance to the skin without resorting to invasive methods.
How does a series of Endermolift treatments for the face work?
The treatments are based on Endermolift technology, which uses suction and mechanical massage to stimulate the skin. A special roller head massages the facial skin, improving microcirculation, stimulating collagen and elastin production, and accelerating natural skin regeneration processes. Through a series of treatments, it is possible to focus on problematic areas such as the eye area, cheeks, or jawline, achieving rejuvenation effects on multiple levels.
Why choose a series of treatments?
Consistently undergoing treatments in a series allows for long-lasting and more intense results. Each subsequent session enhances the effects of the previous one, and changes are visible after just a few treatments.
Effects of the Endermology series on the face:
Smoothing wrinkles and lines – Regularly stimulating the skin helps effectively reduce wrinkles, especially fine lines and expression lines.
Improving facial contours – The treatments sculpt the facial contour, helping achieve a younger and firmer skin appearance.
Firming the skin – Endermology and Endermolift intensively stimulate collagen and elastin production, resulting in improved skin tension and elasticity.
Reducing puffiness and dark circles under the eyes – The treatments accelerate lymphatic drainage, reducing swelling and improving microcirculation around the eyes.
Rejuvenating the skin – The treatments improve the overall appearance of the skin, smoothing it and giving it a healthy, radiant look.
Increasing skin firmness and tension – A series of treatments leads to improved facial contours, including lifting the cheeks and defining the jawline.
Smoothing stretch marks and scars – Through intense tissue stimulation, the treatments help reduce the visibility of scars and stretch marks on the face.
Relaxation and stress reduction – Regular treatments have a positive impact on well-being, helping reduce tension and promote relaxation.
Long-lasting results
A series of Endermology LPG Integral and Endermolift treatments ensures long-lasting rejuvenation effects and improves skin condition. Through systematic treatments, the facial skin becomes firmer, smoother, and more radiant, with a clearer facial contour.
How often should Endermolift treatments be performed?
To achieve the best results, Endermology LPG Integral and Endermolift treatments should be done in a series. The recommended frequency is as follows:
Initial series: Typically consists of 6-10 treatments, performed every 7-14 days, depending on the skin condition and its needs. This frequency allows for visible results in a short period.
Maintenance of results: After completing the basic series, to maintain the results, it is recommended to have 1 treatment per month. Regular sessions help maintain a younger, firmer facial skin appearance for a longer duration.
The frequency of treatments can be adjusted individually, depending on the desired results and the skin's condition. The more intensively the skin needs regeneration, the more frequent the treatments can be at the beginning of the series. After completing the basic series, monthly treatments help maintain a younger and firmer facial skin in the long term.
With regularity, the effects of Endermology LPG Integral and Endermolift treatments will become increasingly visible, and the skin will gradually regenerate, gaining a healthy, radiant appearance.
A series of treatments – Your path to younger facial skin
Regular use of Endermology LPG Integral and Endermolift treatments allows not only to rejuvenate the facial appearance but also to strengthen the skin's condition. It is an excellent solution for those seeking natural and non-invasive anti-aging effects. Through a series of treatments, your facial skin will regain a younger, more radiant appearance and firmness.