The period of pregnancy and childbirth is a heavy burden on the female body. It is obvious that after childbirth it takes time for the body to recover, but thanks to appropriately selected treatments, this time can be significantly shortened. After pregnancy, the problem is often not only excess body fat, but also cellulite, sagging skin and stretch marks. At Ambasada Urody we have prepared treatments that will bring a young mother to her pre-pregnancy appearance: slimming and firming the belly and body, smoothing the skin, eliminating stretch marks and cellulite. Staying in our salons will also be a great way to deeply relax, which is extremely necessary in the initial period of motherhood.
After the birth of the baby young mothers often face problems such as sagging belly, stretch marks and flabby skin. It is often hard for woman to reconcile with the change, resulting in loss of confidence and low self-esteem.
Post-pregnancy breast treatments help restore skin elasticity and firmness, which can be lost due to hormonal changes, breastfeeding, and weight fluctuations. Thanks to modern technologies such as laser therapy, fractional treatments, and mesotherapy, it is possible to firm the skin, reduce stretch marks, and improve the overall shape of the breasts. Many of these procedures stimulate collagen production, aiding in tissue regeneration and restoring a youthful appearance. These treatments are safe and effective, with visible results after just a few sessions, giving women confidence after the maternity period.
Problem nadmiaru tkanki tłuszczowej po porodzie dotyczy prawie połowy kobiet, które są niezadowolone z powolnej utraty wagi po ciąży. Dodatkowo, jeżeli skóra mocno rozciągnęła się w czasie ciąży, może spowodować, że na niektórych partiach ciała zostanie luźna skóra. Powrót do formy sprzed ciąży może być trudnym i czasochłonnym procesem i chociaż dieta oraz ćwiczenia są pomocne, warto skorzystać z naszych nieinwazyjnych zabiegów, które mogą szybko pomóc usunąć uporczywy tłuszcz, ujędrnić skórę i przywrócić sylwetkę sprzed ciąży.
The treatment smoothes the surface of the skin, shrinks the scar, improves its appearance, voltage, eliminates darkening of the skin and discoloration. In addition, it stimulates the production of new collagen fibers, making the skin regains elasticity and smooth texture.
Treatments for stretch marks after pregnancy help improve the appearance of the skin by reducing the visibility of stretch marks and restoring its elasticity. Technologies such as laser therapy, mesotherapy, and microdermabrasion make it possible to smooth the skin and stimulate collagen production, improving the skin's texture. These treatments effectively reduce redness and discoloration, restoring a more even tone. The result is firmer, smoother, and more toned skin, helping regain confidence after the period of motherhood.
Treatments for post-pregnancy pigmentation help reduce dark spots and uneven skin tone that may occur due to hormonal changes. Therapies such as laser therapy, chemical peels, or mesotherapy effectively lighten the skin, improving its texture and uniformity. They also stimulate collagen production, which aids in skin regeneration and accelerates the smoothing process. The result is an even skin tone, reduced pigmentation, and restoration of a healthy, radiant appearance.
Treatments for post-pregnancy hair loss help in rebuilding hair density by stimulating hair growth and preventing further shedding. Therapies such as microneedling, platelet-rich plasma injections, or carboxytherapy stimulate hair follicles, improving their condition and activating regenerative processes. Regular treatments also support improved circulation in the scalp, promoting better nourishment for the hair. The result is increased hair volume, strengthening, and restoring a healthy appearance.
Therapeutic massages after pregnancy are an effective method of relieving back and spine pain, especially during the breastfeeding period when a woman often adopts an uncomfortable posture. The technique used in such massages is mainly deep tissue massage, which relaxes tense muscles and improves blood circulation in the back area. Regular treatments help reduce pain, decrease stiffness, and support tissue regeneration. Additionally, massage can improve body posture, contributing to long-term comfort and reducing pain symptoms.
Zabiegi relaksujące dla kobiet po ciąży, takie jak masaże relaksacyjne, aromaterapia czy sesje z użyciem ciepłych okładów, pomagają w redukcji stresu i poprawiają ogólne samopoczucie. Delikatne terapie z zastosowaniem naturalnych olejków eterycznych działają kojąco na zmysły, wspierając równocześnie równowagę emocjonalną. Zabiegi takie sprzyjają również poprawie jakości snu i łagodzą napięcia związane z codziennymi obowiązkami macierzyńskimi. Regularna relaksacja w spokojnym otoczeniu miejskiego spa przyspiesza regenerację po porodzie, zapewniając chwilę wytchnienia i odprężenia.