Our appearance and the rate of progression of the aging process depends on many factors: genetic predisposition, facial expressions, lifestyle, sun exposure, prolonged stress, weight fluctuations and smoking. Unlike females, male skin is thicker and has a different structure of the tissue.
Vascular skin is accompanied by expanded and cracked blood vessels, so-called. “Spider veins” and long-lasting erythema. Under the influence of local and general indications there is a burning, itching and warm sensation, sometimes swelling.
The appearance of the skin is affected by internal and external factors. Androgens-female hormones enhance the activity of the sebaceous glands, which produce large amounts of tallow-secretion of sebum.
Dark spots, freckles and moles are cosmetic defect formed most often as a result of prolonged exposure to sunlight. The skin cells - melanocytes, begin to produce a lot of dark dye that is unequally distributed to form pigmentation.
Normal skin is even, soft, smooth and well-vascularized. It is not over-dry and does not suffer from oiliness. However, the daily exposure to adverse external factors and neglected regular skincare can greatly speed up the aging process.
Dry skin is rough and tight, it is prone to irritation. It does not produce the right amount of sebum, resulting in excessive loss of moisture and increased susceptibility to all kinds of injuries. It is quickly aging, losing elasticity, firmness and covering up with wrinkles, and therefore requires careful care.
A big impact on the appearance of male skin have sex hormones-androgens. As a result of their work, it comes to an increased activity of the sebaceous glands, which produce large amounts of sebum. That secretion firms the skin, but also contributes to the fact that men have in the majority combination skin mixed with oily parts.
Sensitive skin is a general concept, defining change which is the sum of many factors subjective and objective. You can have sensitive skin acquired or genetically determined. Since most men shave, they can suffer from ailments caused by irritation.
Tired, neglected skin, with interrupted process of cellular respiration is gray, devoid of radiance and vital energy. It is typical for smokers, working in air-conditioned rooms, people who have busy lifestyle, are stressed and overly sunbathe.
After accident, burns, sunburn, surgery, or inflammation of the skin, for example. acne or chickenpox, the skin may remain a permanent mark: depressions, scars, acne scars.