The needles penetrate the epidermis without removing it, as a result of which it is only "punctured" and heals quickly. The resulting holes cause local damage and bleeding, triggering an extensive reaction in the dermis. The result is the release of growth factors through the skin and an overactive fibroblast that greatly increases the production of collagen and elastin.
Dermapen® is a new quality in mesotherapy treatments. Thanks to the patented technology of pulsating needles, it is not only more effective and safe than the previously known methods used in mesotherapy. The treatment with the Dermapen® device significantly shortens the time of treatment and the patient's return to daily activities. The essence of the action of Dermapen® is the use of the body's natural ability to heal itself as well as rebuild and remodel tissues. The treatment consists in making several thousand special micro-punctures.
EXO-SKIN is a highly concentrated, revitalizing serum containing exosomes. Exosomes are extracellular nanovesicles secreted by cells, particularly stem cells. They contain biomolecules such as proteins, lipids, cytokines, and growth factors, and act as messengers from stem cells to other cells. They play a significant role in intercellular communication, tissue healing, regeneration, and repair.
Microneedle mesotherapy is a treatment with potent anti-aging action, which gives immediate, clearly visible results by the technique of inducing inflammatory micro-erections and the ability of skin to regenerate and improving selective permeability to biologically active substances. With micro-injections and regeneration using a cocktail of active ingredients, it energize natural processes in the skin and, in particular increase the production of collagen and elastin fibers.
Mesotherapy with nano-needles is a modern technique for skin care that involves automatic puncturing using nano cartridges. During the treatment, controlled damage to the epidermis occurs, leading to the initiation of skin regeneration processes. Micro injuries also increase the penetration of active substances into deeper layers of the skin and stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which promotes improved elasticity and firmness of the skin, reducing the visibility of wrinkles and improving the skin condition.
In nano treatments at Mediderma, we combine peels with Nanopore microneedling and growth factors (first peel, then needles and active ingredients as well as growth factors), which doubles or triples their effectiveness. There are no side effects, irritations, or bleeding known from needles of the previous generation, and the procedure is nearly painless and does not require anesthesia.