Fillers are very effective to maintain young and beautiful appearance. These substances are injected in a specific volume cutaneous or subcutaneous, which by lifting the surface layers of the skin allow its formation by correcting wrinkles and folds and restoring the shape of specific face areas. Treatments are adjusted to your needs, and the results are immediately visible.


A young face is V-shaped, the younger the face is, the firmer the skin is, the contours are clearer and the face is symmetrical. With age, the V shape is reversed. No matter how good our genes are, all skin types eventually lose their elasticity. The proportions change, the volume decreases. The cheeks are drooping, the chin is sagging, and the face oval widens downwards. Consequence: the symmetrical V shape turns around, and our age is more and more visible on the face, no matter how young we feel.

The V effect is the improvement of skin volume for a youthful appearance of the face. In addition to reducing individual wrinkles, the face needs to regain its volume. With the appropriate treatments, the face will obtain the optimal V shape and wrinkles will be naturally reduced.

Threatment prices

Filling lips with hyaluronic acid

After the treatment lips become fuller, emphasized, lifted and wrinkle-free. You can see the improvement of hydration and color. In addition, the area around the mouth also becomes firm and moisturized.

Promocje styczeń 2025
1 amp. (1ml)
1 200 PLN 960 PLN
1 amp. (1,2ml)
1 400 PLN 1 120 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Flat lip augmentation

Flat lip enhancement aims to achieve a natural look by performing numerous microinjections, during which minimal amounts of hyaluronic acid are introduced. The procedure involves shaping the upper lip without excessive protrusion and accentuating the cupid's bow to give it a characteristic heart shape. The lower lip is minimally sculpted to make the lips nearly symmetrical and precisely arranged. Lips enhanced in this way will be full, but without the "duck lips" shape - when viewed from the side, the lips won't protrude significantly from the face, rather they are turned upwards.

Promocje styczeń 2025
1 amp.
1 800 PLN 1 440 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Hyaluronic acid

Under the eyes, below the medial corner of the eye, due to loss of adipose tissue a recess is formed, called valley of tears. Shadows start to appear and the face looks tired and older than it actually is. Sometimes deepened valley of tears causes a "separation" of cheek into two parts: the outer upper, arched over the cheekbone and the bottom medial over nasolabial furrow.

To fill the valley of tears, we offer hyaluronic acid, which reduces cavities and strengthens the skin around the eyes. The treatment gives you young and refreshed look. This method can also correct dark circles under the eyes, even in case of young people.

vale of tears and eye shadows correction
950 PLN
vale of tears and eye shadows correction
1 300 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Hyaluronic acid

Zabieg wygładzania zmarszczek kwasem hialuronowym polega na wstrzyknięciu w linię zmarszczki bardzo plastycznego i elastycznego żelu o krystalicznej konsystencji. Preparat wiąże wodę dając natychmiastowy efekt wygładzenia skóry. Kwas hialuronowy pozwala nie tylko na wypełnienie zmarszczek, ale doskonale poprawia też jakość skóry dzięki czemu twarz odzyskuje zdrowy, wypoczęty, odświeżony i promienny wygląd.

smoothing the lion’s wrinkle
1 200 PLN
crow’s feet
1 200 PLN
filling nasolabial furrows
1 400 PLN
filling the smoker’s lines
1 200 PLN
marionettes wrinkles
1 400 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Hyaluronic acid

Facial modeling using hyaluronic acid aims to provide a gentle lift and contour to the face, restoring its proper oval shape and improving overall facial features. This procedure helps subtly enhance cheekbones, sculpt the chin and jawline, fill in sunken areas of the skin, and improve the facial shape, resulting in a youthful and harmonious appearance. Additionally, this treatment can address any facial asymmetries or age-related changes, restoring harmony and proper proportions. Facial modeling with hyaluronic acid effectively improves the skin condition and restores its volume, making the face more radiant and youthful.

cheek contouring
1 400 PLN
modeling of the jawline
1 400 PLN
modeling of the jawline
2 600 PLN
1 400 PLN
lifting lip corners
1 400 PLN
eyebrow arch correction
1 200 PLN
face oval remodeling
2 600 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Cheeks enlargement

Cheeks contouring enables for optical facial rejuvenation. The middle part of the face is beautifully exposed which gives the effect of fresh and firm skin. While improving the shape of the cheeks we are also gaining the beneficial effect of smoothing nasolabial furrows. Depending on the formulation used the effects lasts up to 18 months.

hyaluronic acid 1 ampoule
1 400 PLN
hyaluronic acid 2amp.
2 800 PLN 2 600 PLN
calcium hydroxyapatite 1 amp.
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
V Lifting

The V Lifting treatment allows modeling facial features by creating a "scaffold" for the skin, improving skin firmness, elasticity and tension. The administered preparation replenishes skin tissue defects, emphasizes and lifts the skin.

kwas polimlekowy 1 amp.
1 900 PLN
kwas polimlekowy 2 amp.
3 800 PLN 3 500 PLN
kwas polimlekowy + hialuronowy 1 amp.
2 900 PLN
hydroksyapatyt wapnia 1 amp.
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
hydroksyapatyt wapnia 2 amp.
4 400 PLN 3 520 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Shaping lips with hyaluronic acid

Lip shaping – improving lips contour and gentle filling or moisturizing. The procedure can be done regardless of the age or sex. Later we mainly make corrections within lip contour and changes associated with dehydration from the aging process.

Promocje styczeń 2025
1 amp.
1 200 PLN 960 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Moisturizing lips with hyaluronic acid

Hydration is a key condition for maintaining firmness and structure of lips. Dehydration is the first clinical sign of aging. Revitalizing and moisturizing treatment is recommended for every woman who noticed the loss of brightness and hydration of their lips redness but do not want the size of their lips to change. In most cases, we start to feel that need after the age of 35, when we notice the first signs of losing moisture, color and volume of the lips. At this stage, there is no need for lip fillers, but a gentle refreshing and rejuvenating treatment is worth giving a go.

This treatment is also recommended after a couple of months after lip filling treatment, if you want to gently renew the effect (as so-called ‘maintaining treatment’).

After the treatment you can clearly see the improvement of color and miniaturization level regarding lips and the mouth area. Lip redness is emphasized, but there are no changes regarding the size or the shape.

Promocje styczeń 2025
1 amp.
1 200 PLN 960 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69

The main ingredient of the preparation is calcium hydroxyapatite with a unique, patented composition, identical to that found in human bones and teeth. This guarantees no allergic reactions.

Calcium hydroxyapatite is characterized by a high safety profile and has been used in medicine for over 25 years. It is completely biodegradable - it is absorbed in a natural way. It is exceptionally stable. High temperature, UV radiation, or laser treatments do not diminish its effect after the procedure.

Indications for calcium hydroxyapatite treatment:

  • Loss of facial oval (blurred oval)
  • Chin line shaping
  • Sagging skin in the middle and lower face area
  • Nasolabial foldsMarionette lines (lip-chin folds)
  • Flat profile
  • Sunken cheeks
  • Facial prominence in the zygomatic bone area
  • Filling of sunken temples
  • Chin shape modeling
  • Flat chin
  • Non-surgical nose reshaping
  • Sagging earlobes
  • Rejuvenation of the dorsal surface of the hands


The preparation not only corrects wrinkles and the facial oval but also stimulates skin cells (fibroblasts) to produce collagen. Thanks to a special gel carrier, an immediate filling effect is possible, visible right after the procedure. Over time (about 4 months), the gel is absorbed by macrophages and disappears, but new collagen produced by fibroblasts takes its place. Production of new collagen occurs around calcium hydroxyapatite micro-particles, which create a "scaffold" in tissues and act as a specific stimulant for collagen fiber production. The skin naturally rejuvenates, becoming thicker and more elastic. The effect of the preparation lasts about 12-18 months.

Promocje styczeń 2025
nasolabial folds
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
marionettes lines
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
cheek filling
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
zygomatic area
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
the lower jaw
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
lip corners
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
nose bridge
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Sunken temples correction

In the aging process of the temples area, the loss of subcutaneous tissue and thinning of the skin play a huge role. Besides, in deep layers of the skin relaxation of the muscle processes are occurring. As a result of these changes, skin around the temple collapses and the side parts of the eyebrows drops. This gives the effect of a sad and aging face. Typically, the first time it occurs is around the age of 45, especially when we are very slim.

Smoothing face in this area immediately rejuvenates it and gives it a more refreshed look.

kwas hialuronowy 1 amp.
1 400 PLN
hydroksyapatyt wapnia 1 amp.
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Volumetric lifting

Volumetric facelift is a procedure that within several minutes allows the three-dimensional facial rejuvenation. It restores the youthful appearance of the face with bringing back its volume, allowing you to enhance the shape and profile of the face. The treatment provides immediate and often spectacular effects that lasts about 18 months. Absorbing implant provides an excellent regeneration of surrounding tissues, giving the effect of relaxed and healthy skin.

kwas hialuronowy 2 amp.
2 800 PLN 2 600 PLN
kwas hialuronowy 3 amp.
4 200 PLN 3 600 PLN
kwas hialuronowy 4 amp.
5 600 PLN 4 400 PLN
hydroksyapatyt wapnia 2 amp.
4 400 PLN 3 520 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69

Hydroksyapatyt wapnia o unikalnym, opatentowanym składzie, identycznym z tym, jaki występuje w ludzkich kościach i zębach, charakteryzuje się wysokim profilem bezpieczeństwa. Jest stosowany w medycynie od ponad 25 lat i nie wykazuje reakcji alergicznych. Jest całkowicie biodegradowalny - wchłania się w sposób naturalny. Charakteryzuje się niezwykłą stabilnością. Wysoka temperatura, promieniowanie UV czy zabiegi laserowe nie zmniejszają efektu po zabiegowego.


Hydroksyapatyt przeznaczony jest do poprawy objętości skóry (np. dłoni) oraz do uzupełnienia ubytków tkanki podskórnej na ciele (np. kolana, brzuch, ramiona), a także poprawy struktury ścieńczałej i wiotkiej skóry. Preparat nie tylko wypełnia, ale stymuluje też komórki skóry (fibroblasty) do produkcji kolagenu, dzięki czemu skóra staje się jędrna i elastyczna.


Hydroksyapatyt w postaci mikrokuleczek zawieszony jest w mocno uwodnionym żelu. Po podaniu preparatu dzięki żelowemu nośnikowi widoczny jest natychmiastowy efekt wypełnienia. Z czasem (około 4 miesiące) żel zostaje pochłonięty przez makrofagi i znika, ale jego miejsce zajmuje nowy kolagen wyprodukowany przez fibroblasty. Produkcja nowego kolagenu odbywa się wokół mikrocząsteczek hydroksyapatytu wapnia, które tworzą w tkankach “rusztowanie” i są swoistym czynnikiem stymulującym produkcję włókien kolagenowych. Skóra naturalnie się odmładza, staje się grubsza, bardziej elastyczna i jędrna. Efekt wypełnienia utrzymuje się do 18-24 m-cy od zabiegu.

Promocje styczeń 2025
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
2 200 PLN 1 980 PLN
4 400 PLN 3 520 PLN
6 600 PLN 4 620 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
face 1 area
4 500 PLN
face 2 areas
6 500 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Polycaprolactone Ellanse

Ellance to rodzina nowoczesnych, bezpiecznych i efektywnie działających wypełniaczy działających jednocześnie regenerująco na wzrost kolagenu i wspomagających biorewitalizację skóry. Służą do poprawy wyglądu skóry, modelowania konturu, rzeźbienia i nadawania objętości twarzy. Utrzymują się dłużej od innych wypełniaczy oraz silnie odmładzają i ujędrniają skórę.

Rodzina wypełniaczy Ellanse jest skierowana do wymagających pacjentów, oczekujących bardzo dobrych rezultatów i przedłużonego czasu działania w porównaniu do klasycznych wypełniaczy z kwasu hialuronowego. Głównymi korzyściami wynikającymi z zastosowania Ellanse™ jest długo utrzymujący się rezultat, dostosowująca się do oczekiwań pacjenta trwałość oraz całkowita bioresorbowalność. Dodatkowo, Ellanse™ stymuluje i tworzy nowe włókna kolagenowe i elastynowe, w przeciwieństwie do wypełniaczy na bazie kwasu hialuronowego, które tylko zwiększają objętość, dzięki czemu pacjent długo cieszy się naturalnym i zdrowym wyglądem.

Oczekiwany czas utrzymywania się efektu estetycznego:

  • Ellanse S = 1 rok
  • Ellanse M = 2 lata
  • Ellanse L = 3 lata
  • Ellanse E = 4 lata
Ellansé S
1 490 PLN
Ellansé M
1 790 PLN
Ellansé L
1 990 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Texan lift
Texan Facelift + Nefertiti Lift
Hyaluronic threads

It is an innovative technique used in aesthetic dermatology, consisting in the linear application of hyaluronic acid based on skin tension vectors. The treatment allows for perfect contouring of the face, improvement of the oval and skin reconstruction.

kwas hialuronowy 2 amp.
2 800 PLN 2 600 PLN
kwas hialuronowy 3 amp.
4 200 PLN 3 600 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69

Goups of treatments prices

Stimulate and Lift

The Stimulate & Lift treatment package is an ideal solution for people who care not only for firming and improving the quality of the skin, but also for raising the so-called hamsters and supplementing defects associated with the disappearance of subcutaneous fat. Neauvia Stimulate & Lift is a treatment with preparations based on hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite, which rebuilds youth of the skin - immediately and in the long term. 

The Stimulate & Lift package is designed for people aged 35-40. years of age, which observe their drooping cheeks, loss of youthful oval, flaccidity and less and less elasticity of the skin, dark circles under the eyes or visible nasolabial folds. All these symptoms are the result of the decrease in the production of building substances in the skin, such as hyaluronic acid, elastin or collagen, as well as the gradual loss of subcutaneous fat (the effects of "hamsters" appear due to the collapse of temples and cheeks) - this process begins after the age of 25. Very good results are obtained in the case of people around 30 years of age, who as a result of slimming "face". The treatment package is also recommended for people with a "flat looking" face, because thanks to Stimulate & Lift, the profile gains beautiful look. 

wypełnianie kwasem hialuronowym 1 amp. + mezoterapia kwasem hialuronowym 3 amp.
4 100 PLN 3 500 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69


Neauvia Organic Intense Flux (1ml)
Neauvia Organic Intense Flux (1ml)

A revolution on the fillers market. The unprecedented ability of the hydrogel to adapt autonomously to the needs of the application area.

  • Hyaluronic acid obtained from Bacillus Subtilis bacteria
  • Excellent rheological properties - high plasticity and elasticity
  • High concentration of hyaluronic acid - 26 mg / ml
  • Long-lasting effect
Neauvia Organic Rheology (1ml)
Neauvia Organic Rheology (1ml)

The new product from the Neauvia Organic, Rheology line is intended for people with the first signs of aging. It is recommended for the correction of shallow wrinkles, smoker's wrinkles, small lip correction and rejuvenation of the skin on the hands. Contains 22 mg / ml hyaluronic acid derived from Bacillus Subtilis bacteria and is cross-linked with PEG polymer. In addition to hyaluronic acid, it contains amino acids - glycine and l-proline - which are the main components of collagen.

The new product of the Neauvia line uses rheology, a special property of combining water with the biologically active substances it contains - amino acids, cell nutrients that make up the skin barrier and act as buffers to maintain the skin's proper pH. They are included as cellular substances that stimulate fibroblasts to form collagen. Due to their low molecular weight, they are immediately incorporated into cellular cytoplasm and assimilated completely.

Of the 20 amino acids necessary for man to build proteins, two have been selected: cysteine ​​and L-proline, which are key to collagen production: Glycine averages about 7.2% of the amino acid residues found in proteins, the exception is collagen, in which glycine makes up nearly a third of all builders him amino acids. The second amino acid necessary for collagen production is L-proline, which is about 20% and has the highest water binding capacity among amino acids.



  • WIthout mask effect - the face still looks natural, even in very dynamic areas of the face
  • The product is imperceptible and invisible after application
  • The elastic properties of the product work well in areas exposed to special pressure (cheeks during sleep) - no formation of bumps due to the movement of the preparation
  • The addition of two amino acids cysteine ​​and L-proline, which are the main component of collagen, causes that the obtained aesthetic effect is long-lasting and the quality of the skin and its hydration is definitely improved.
Redensity II
Redensity II

This is partially stabilized hyaluronic acid dedicated to treat the area around the eyes and fine lines, providing a safe, natural and long-lasting correction. Applied properly in the place of bruising, it fills the drooping under the eyes. Thanks to its flexibility and softness, it does not cause lumps and bumps and does not exert pressure on the tissue, which can cause swelling.

Indications: dark circles and bags under the eyes, valley of tears, folds around eyelids and cheeks.

Restylane Eyelight
Restylane Eyelight

Restylane® Eyelight is a hyaluronic acid-based filler used to fill the delicate and demanding eye area, specifically the so-called "tear troughs." It reduces dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes and prevents the tired eye effect. It increases skin hydration under the eyes, reduces wrinkles, and firms the skin. The effect of the treatment is natural and immediate, with no recovery period.

Indications for Restylane Eyelight treatment
  • Under-eye circles
  • Under-eye bags
  • Signs of aging skin around the eyes
  • Under-eye wrinkles
  • Dry skin under the eyes
Effects of Restylane Eyelight treatment
  • Firming and lifting of the skin under the eyes
  • Reduction of under-eye circles
  • Smoothing of wrinkles around the eyes
  • Improvement of eye contours
  • Antioxidant action
  • Skin hydration
  • Reduction of the tired eye effect
  • Refreshed appearance
  • Rejuvenation of the eye area
Neauvia Organic Stimulate (1ml)
Neauvia Organic Stimulate (1ml)

Neauvia Organic Stimulate filler is an unique product in many respects. First of all, it has an admixture of calcium hydroxyapatite and contains one of the highest concentration of 26 mg / ml stabilized sodium hyaluronate of high consistency available on the market.

It combines the features of biological activity and biocompatibility of hyaluronic acid with those with hydroxyapatite microspheres. This increases the resistance to biodegradation, which ensures long-lasting effects of the treatment.

The product can be used both to fill tissue defects and to stimulate the production of collagen by the body in the places where it was administered. Recommended for volumetric correction and improving the density and volume of tissues, zygomatic bones, hands, knees - suitable for use wherever fillers are needed.



  • hydrogel with hyaluronic acid derived from bacteria non-pathogenic for humans
  • the content of calcium hydroxyapatite microspheres stimulates the production of collagen
  • the innovative technology of obtaining hyaluronic acid uses a minimal medium, no organic solvents are used, and the purification process is very effective
  • the structure of the gel resembles the surrounding skin tissues


  • high efficiency, plasticity, biocompatibility, does not migrate
  • very clean product
  • low risk of immune reaction
  • natural look and well-being of the patient
  • highly volumetric product
Restylane SubQ
Restylane SubQ

Restylane SubQ is a hyaluronic acid based filler, designed for deep filling in the face area. Its structure is adjusted to the anatomy of deeper tissues. SubQ fits perfectly, and its presence is difficult to distinguish from natural tissue. It is injected via cannula or needle. Restylane SubQ restores a desired round-face look characteristic for the young age and keeps the effects of the treatment for up to 24 months.

Indications: mainly use it to restore the volume of the cheeks and to fill the valley of tears. An attractive option is filling the valley of tears and removing shadows under the eyes at the same time. After the procedure, the cheeks become fuller and more shaped. The skin in the face area is firm. Some patients after the treatment notice, that because the volume of the cheeks is restored, the nasolabial furrows look visibly smoother.


Crystalys to najsilniejszy na rynku biostymulator na bazie hydroksyapatytu wapnia, który wypełnia oraz harmonicznie wiąże się z tkanką i stymuluje skórę do stałej odbudowy.

Crystalys wykazuje dwuetapowe działanie:

  • zawarty w preparacie żel (soda karboksymetylocelulozy) natychmiast wypełnia i harmonicznie wiąże się z tkanką, dzięki czemu ostrzyknięte obszary są wypełnione i podniesione, w wyniku czego efekt jest widoczny natychmiast po zabiegu.
  • wysokiemu stężenie (55,7%) mikrocząsteczek hydroksyapatytu wapnia, rusztowanie podtrzymujące wzrost fibroblastów, co z kolei wytwarza złoża nowego kolagenu – naturalnego budulca skóry zwiększającego objętość w wybranych obszarach twarzy. Degradacja hydro-ksyapatytu wapnia jest równoczesna z odkładaniem neo-kolagenu w miejscu wstrzyknięcia. Dzięki takiemu działaniu, Crystalys zapewnia trwały, całkowicie naturalny i młodzieńczy wygląd.

Crystalys może być stosowany do wypełnienia głębokich warstw skóry oraz tkanki podskórnej.


  • formowanie policzków
  • zagęszczenie skóry
  • formowanie okolic linii żuchwy
  • formowanie dłoni
  • likwidacja bruzd nosowo-wargowych
  • likwidacja fałd skórnych tzw "marionetkowych”
Neauvia Organic Intense (1ml)
Neauvia Organic Intense (1ml)

Neauvia Organic Intense has the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid - 28 mg / ml.

It is suitable both for filling tissues and volumetric modeling, as well as improving the hydration and tension of the skin, especially on the face, but also on the earlobes, lips, hands, tops of the feet, and intimate parts.



  • single-phase hydrogel with hyaluronic acid derived from bacteria non-pathogenic for humans
  • innovative technology of obtaining hyaluronic acid uses minimal carriers, does not need any organic solvents and is characterized by a highly effective purification process
  • the structure of the hydrogel is similar to that of skin tissue


  • high efficiency and flexibility, plasticity, biocompatibility, does not migrate
  • very pure product, low risk of immune reaction
  • natural look and well-being of the patient

Restylane is a non-animal based hyaluronic acid gel that does not affect the expression or movement of the facial muscles. Restylane treatments reduce wrinkles, shape facial contours, create fuller lips and rejuvenate the skin all over the body. They are tailored to your needs, and the results are immediately visible. The effects of Restylane treatments are long-lasting, but not permanent. That means that they give the freedom of choice, weather you want to maintain or change the achieved effect.

Indications: used to reduce wrinkles, for facial and lips contouring and to revitalize the skin all over the body.

Results: The results lasts for 8-18 months. In order to sustain the effect obtained in the mouth area, it is desirable to repeat the treatment after six months.

Stylage XL
Stylage XL

Stylage is a range of fillers based on hyaluronic acid combined with natural antioxidants. Unique IPN-Like interpenetrating polymer network guarantees high flexibility of preparations, uniformity of injection and the perfect distribution of product in the skin. Treatments using Stylage provide natural effect of skin smoothing.

Antioxidants included in Stylage preparations such as sorbitol and mannitol, show strong anti-radical action. They delay the degeneration of hyaluronic acid, hence the results of treatments last longer.

Stylage preparations are known for being extremely safe. They show a great tolerance, as confirmed by dermatologists and plastic surgeons engaged in aesthetic medicine, based on observations of their patients one year after procedure.

Stylage line for face contouring includes preparations of multidirectional use:

  • Stylage XL - used to rebuild the cheekbones and cheeks, correction of facial contours and chin remodeling
  • Stylage XXL - allows to fill areas within zygomatic bones and cheeks where the volume reduction occurs, as well as to bring back facial proportions.

Radiesse is a new generation filler for facial contouring which gives immediate and long-term results. Radiesse is made up of tiny, smooth calcium hydroxyapatite particles. These molecules form a kind of base on which collagen molecules, created by human body are being developed. That in turn provides the desired long-lasting effects from one to five years. These unique advantages of the product, make Radiesse the ideal choice for contouring and sculpting face and for other medical treatments.

Indications: it can be used for: jaw line, nasolabial furrows, marionettes wrinkles. Radiesse can also be used for a safe and sustainable cheek and chin filling as well as to perform a non-surgical rhinoplasty.


Voluma is an implant based on hyaluronic acid with a unique stabilization process: the 3D template of hyaluronic acid suitable for deep treatment. It helps with the recovery of skin’s tissue volume, fully integrating with them and perfectly adjusting to the areas where face was contoured. Within a few minutes, with one injection of Voluma sunken temples are filled, the volume of the cheekbones and cheeks is restored. In addition the chin is filled and the skin becomes supple and full of vigor. The effects look very natural, they are immediate and long lasting (12 to 18 months).

Indications: if you feel that your cheeks have lost volume and your skin needs a stronger treatment, this is the perfect product for you.