BeautyTek is an intelligent biocybernetic system that makes the process of biological tissue rejuvenation possible. It stimulates the body's natural energy balance and mimics its self-healing mechanisms. It analyzes the skin and deeper tissues, and then calculates and selects an individual stimulation range. The result of the treatments is not only the removal of many aesthetic problems of the face and body, but also supporting the treatment of diseases, preventing inflammation, strengthening and energizing the body, reducing stress. The effects of the treatments are permanent, subject only to natural aging processes and allow you to keep your face and body in a state of timelessly youthful appearance.

Beautytek - face lift

  • firms and smoothes the neck and rejuvenates its line
  • shapes the face oval and lifts saggy cheeks
  • pulls up and strengthens the nasolabial folds
  • strengthens the circular muscle of the eye and pulls the eyebrows
  • reduces puffiness and dark circles around the eyes
  • reduces lines, wrinkles and crow's feet
  • eliminates enlarged pores and smoothes the skin
  • moisturizes and nourishes the deeper layers of the skin
  • supports the treatment of acne and inflammation
Beautytek - bio-cybernetic face lifting

Beautytek - body shaping

  • breaks down and burns fatty tissue
  • slims and shapes the body, strengthens muscles
  • firms and improves the shape of the bust, lifts the buttocks
  • effectively reduces stretch marks and cellulite
  • firms, smoothes and brightens the skin
  • eliminates flabbiness (also postpartum abdominal)
  • drains and deeply detoxifies, reduces swelling
Beautytek - biocybernetic body lifting

Beautytek - therapeutic treatments

  • face skin aging test - tells us about the biological age of the skin, the exponent of which is the energy potential of cells in individual regions of the face
  • energizing the skin of the face - improves the energy potential of cells, biologically rejuvenates them
  • antidepressant treatment - 3-4 treatments greatly improve the mental condition
  • anti-stress treatment - we offer people who have a tendency to palpitations, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hand tremors, sweating as a result of a neurotic reaction
  • anti-inflammatory treatment - reduces inflammation and acne lesions, herpes, conditions after injuries
Beautytek - biocybernetic breast lifting

It is an intelligent biocybernetic system invented by a scientist from NASA, which makes the process of biological tissue rejuvenation possible. Initially, it was only used in physical medicine by famous athletes and celebrities to stimulate the healing process of the affected or inflamed tissue. During its use in medicine, it has been noticed that it has a very beneficial effect on the appearance of the treated areas. In addition to treating wounds, injuries, pain and inflammation, there was a firming of the muscles, lifting of sagging, improvement of skin tension and other positive reactions.


Beautytek is the first biocybernetic apparatus designed for cosmetics. It works similarly to medical devices - it reads the actual parameters of tissues and calculates the differences between the standard and the current state. Centimeter by centimeter, he tries to bring balance to the tissue, activate all nourishing and repairing mechanisms using subliminal impulses. These are the most biologically compatible low intensity impulses, calculated and controlled 40,000 times per second. They increase the electromotive forces causing the movement of ions so that they can penetrate the damaged areas and push nutrients inside the cells. Due to ion diffusion, the water and electrolyte balance is restored in intra- and extracellular spaces. There is an energetic balance and an acid balance in the treated area of ​​the body. Proper metabolism, microcirculation (brings nutrients to cells), oxygenation, lymph drainage (helps them get rid of toxins and waste) and repair processes return. This causes a number of reactions that affect our appearance. Tissues regenerated from the inside improve their structure, and the skin and muscles become firmer.


The effectiveness of the treatments depends on the condition of the skin and its ability to regenerate. It is more effective in people under 50. This is due to the fact that in the following years various disease processes that we have "earned" from our lifestyle reveal themselves, and the repair mechanisms are not so efficient. After the age of 60 it is more difficult to quickly achieve a satisfactory effect, eg improving the oval of the face. In people with various diseases, the body can use the stimulated repair processes in more needy areas with a lower cosmetic effect. In people with metal implants, tissue parameters are difficult to read and more treatments are needed. The effects also depend on what lifestyle we lead. Lack of exercise, poor nutrition, stress, diseases, excess stimulants, smoking, insufficient water consumption, have influenced the state of the body today for many years. They have been "remembered" by the tissue and affect its regenerative processes. The device will create feedback with your tissue and maximize these processes by stimulating ion exchange, oxygenating, nourishing the internal structures of cells and equalizing their potentials. This is absolutely the best therapy you can offer your body to biologically rejuvenate, cleanse and energize it. It is not only about the cosmetic side of treatments, but also about their positive impact on health. Research shows that as many as 70% of people notice positive effects after the first BeautyTek treatment, in 20% the effects are visible after a few treatments, and only 10% do not respond to the therapy.


BeautyTek is a biocybernetic device designed to heal, restore, revitalize and restore the bio-physico-chemical balance in human tissue. The apparatus rejuvenates and regenerates. It is used for breast, buttocks and face lifts, slimming, cellulite reduction, stretch marks, scars and acne.


The treatment is pleasant, safe and absolutely non-invasive. While the client is lying on a comfortable bed, the beautician moves delicate probes over the skin. It takes about 60 minutes, only the so-called advanced procedure takes one and a half hours. It can be performed in many series, preferably every other day.


The effects are usually visible after the first treatment, and each subsequent treatment consolidates and intensifies them. It can be, for example, raising the bust by 2 cm and reducing the circumference of the waist or buttocks by 4 cm. Most of the time, the results are long-lasting, however, our lifestyle does affect the way our body looks.


People of all ages. Younger people do them prophylactically, and in middle-aged or older people, to quickly restore the aesthetics of their appearance.


Please drink two glasses of water before leaving the house, do not drink coffee. Alcohol should not be drunk on the day or even the day before the procedure. Cigarettes should not be smoked an hour before the procedure.


One of the principles of therapy is to apply treatments in series on a specific area of ​​the body. After completing one series, you can start the second one on a different area of ​​the body or face. The point is for stimulated regenerative processes to accumulate in a given area.

Threatment prices

Biolifting Beautytek

Biocybernetic bust remodeling - after just one treatment drooping and flabby breasts rises (sometimes even 2-3 cm). It improves breast shape, they are visibly fuller and become firm. Skin and muscles are firming up. Nipples are lifted and results are long lasting. It is the ideal alternative for people who do not want or cannot undergo plastic surgery. There are no risks and side effects. Contraindications for the treatment are pregnancy and heart pacemaker. To achieve long-term results you’ll need a series of treatments.

Face Biolifting Beautytek

Lifting treatment for the neck and lower part of the face (oval, jaw line, chin, drooping skin around the jaw line), which restores the elasticity of the muscles and skin firmness.

oval face and neck
250 PLN
1 area (eyes, neck, oval)
200 PLN
1 additional area (eyes, neck, oval) in addition to the procedure
50 PLN
face, neck and eye area
350 PLN
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Biolifting Beautytek

A true rejuvenating treatment for the body. The treatment normalizes tissue processes and triggers the body's repair processes, oxygenation of the cells, improves blood and lymph circulation, tones and strengthens flabby muscles, improves the appearance and restores skin tension. Considerably lowers the visibility of stretch marks. BeautyTek developed separate treatments on the abdomen, arms, buttocks and legs.

1 body area
350 PLN
1 body area
550 PLN
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69

Professional slimming treatment that biologically stimulates the regenerative processes of the body, improves the metabolic balance and supports metabolism. It improves fat metabolism and helps to get rid of the waste products of metabolism, and thus - naturally slims down the body.

slimming treatment
350 PLN
anti-cellulite treatment
350 PLN
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69

The treatment using the Beautytek biocybernetic cameras that restores tissues energy balance. It starts the slowing mechanisms which nourish and regenerate in damaged areas, providing cells the power to repair itself. It prevents inflammation and pathogenic processes.

scars regeneration
150 PLN
terapeutic treatments
100 PLN
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69

Goups of treatments prices

Beautytek - a series of 10 ltreatments.

In addition to the lifting treatments on the entire face and neck, you can perform treatments for the problematic areas:

  • lifting treatment for facial contours, corners of the mouth, improving face oval,
  • an assisting treatment for acne cure, acne scars and post-injuries,
  • a treatment to shallow wrinkles and decrease the size of pores,
  • a treatment for reducing the drooping of the upper eyelid,
  • a treatment reducing swelling and dark circles under the eyes.
6 treatments - 2 areas (neck+ oval)
1 500 PLN 1 350 PLN
6 treatments - 1 area (eyes, neck, oval)
1 200 PLN 1 080 PLN
6 treatments - face, eyes, and neck
2 100 PLN 1 890 PLN
10 treatments - 2 areas (neck+ oval)
2 500 PLN 2 000 PLN
10 treatments - 1 area (eyes, neck, oval)
2 000 PLN 1 600 PLN
10 treatments - face, eyes, and neck
3 500 PLN 2 800 PLN
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Beautytek for breasts - a series of treatments

Beautytek for breasts is a modern, non-invasive technology that provides lifting and firming of the breasts. Through biocybernetic remodeling, the treatment improves the appearance of the breasts by stimulating the tissues, improving their elasticity and tension. Beautytek utilizes microcurrents and biofeedback technology, allowing for individual adjustment of the treatment intensity based on the skin and muscle reactions. It is an ideal alternative for individuals who want to enhance the appearance of their breasts without the risks and side effects associated with surgical procedures.

How does Beautytek for breasts work?

Beautytek uses microcurrents that effectively stimulate the skin and muscles of the breasts. This technology stimulates the muscles and skin tissues for regeneration, leading to improved tension and elasticity. Additionally, the biofeedback technology analyzes the tissue's response to the microcurrents and automatically adjusts the treatment intensity to achieve the best results.

Effects of Beautytek treatment for breasts:

  • Breast lifting (up to 2-3 cm)
  • Improvement in breast shape and fullness
  • Firmness and elasticity of the skin and breast muscles
  • Elevation of the nipples
  • Long-lasting effects without risks or side effects

Why is it recommended to undergo a series of breast treatments?

To achieve lasting and visible results, a series of treatments is recommended. Breast Bio-lifting works best when treatments are done regularly, every 2-3 days, in a series of 6-10 sessions. Regular stimulation of the breast tissues allows for maximum effects that last for a long time. After completing the series, the effects are long-lasting, and to maintain the results, it is advisable to have maintenance treatments every 4-6 weeks.

Breast Bio-lifting is an excellent option for individuals who want to enhance the appearance of their breasts without the risks and side effects associated with plastic surgery.

6 treatments
2 100 PLN 1 890 PLN
10 treatmenets
3 500 PLN 2 800 PLN
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69