Męska skóra wokół oczu, choć grubsza niż kobieca, również wymaga odpowiedniej pielęgnacji. Jest narażona na codzienne działanie czynników zewnętrznych, takich jak stres, zmęczenie, brak snu czy niewłaściwa dieta, które mogą powodować obrzęki, cienie pod oczami i widoczne oznaki starzenia. Oczy są jednym z pierwszych miejsc, gdzie widać oznaki przemęczenia, a skóra w tej okolicy, mimo swojej odporności, traci elastyczność i jędrność.

Zabiegi na okolice oczu u mężczyzn mogą stanowić część kompleksowej pielęgnacji twarzy lub być stosowane jako osobne terapie. Ich celem jest redukcja cieni i opuchlizny, wygładzenie skóry, nawilżenie oraz poprawa napięcia. Odpowiednio dobrane metody pozwalają nie tylko poprawić wygląd, ale także spowolnić procesy starzenia i wzmocnić skórę, aby była bardziej odporna na działanie szkodliwych czynników.


If as a result of emotions, stress, fatigue or improper diet swelling and bruising around the eyes appeared and you need rest and relaxation. Also, in case of the appearance of wrinkles, when the dry skin on the eyelids requires hydration and nutrition.

  • protection against premature aging
  • reduction of swelling and puffiness
  • stimulation of blood and lymph microcirculation
  • elimination of excess water and toxins
  • counteracting signs of fatigue and stress
  • deep moisturization and nourishment of the skin
  • firming and improving skin elasticity
  • smoothing and reducing wrinkles
  • strengthening thin skin under the eyes

Threatment prices

Hyaluronic acid

Crow's feet are wrinkles that arise as a result of movements of facial mimic. Initially, they are visible only when we are laughing. As we get older, they become deeper and an unpleasant part of our skin.

The filler used to treat crow’s feet should contain low cross-linked hyaluronic acid - the preparation of low density, optimal to fill fine lines in case of a sensitive skin. It is valid, that it features: an adequate viscosity, allowing the correct placement of the preparation, and low hygroscopic properties that means low capacity of water bonding.

smoothing the lion’s wrinkle
1 200 PLN
crow’s feet
1 200 PLN
filling nasolabial furrows
1 400 PLN
filling the smoker’s lines
1 200 PLN
marionettes wrinkles
1 400 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Eyes mesotherapy with meso-cocktails

Mesotherapy is considered one of the most effective methods for revitalizing the skin around the eyes. For this area we apply cocktails containing hyaluronic acid, butcher, berry, rosemary, wit. C and hexapeptides. This rich combination of active substances is able to handle simultaneously with the shadows under the eyes, puffiness and wrinkles. The treatment improves microcirculation and skin’s elasticity, reducing the tendency to accumulate fluid around the eyes, as well as smoothing fine lines and crow's feet.

390 PLN
390 PLN
dark circles
390 PLN
Eyes bags
390 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Plexr Plus

PLEXR PLUS, i.e. non-ablative dynamic sublimation bifaroplasty, is a great alternative to traditional surgical methods not only because of the excellent aesthetic effects but also because of the patient's comfort during the procedure and during the healing process. PLEXR PLUS gives optimal clinical effects, the treatment is simple and safe and leaves no traces of surgical intervention.

plasma eyelid lifting
1 500 PLN
plasma eyelid lifting
2 500 PLN
wrinkles removal
1 500 PLN
wrinkles removal
1 200 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Icoone Face Lift - facial treatment

The treatment includes facial lymphatic drainage and anti-aging treatment for the eye area. It allows you to offset the crow's feet, wrinkles, puffy eyes, dark circles and bags under the eyes. This reliable method of massaging the skin. It tightens and improves the color of your skin.

20 min
200 PLN
40 min
300 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Pelleve RF

The Pelleve treatment covers the upper and lower part of the face (forehead, cheeks, nasolabial folds, mouth area) and lower cheek area. The skin of the face and neck becomes tighter, which provides a gentle, non-surgical effect of lifting the eyebrows and smoothing the face. The Pelleve treatment gives good results in the case of a sagging chin. With Pellevé treatment for the eye area we treat upper and lower eyelids as well as crow’s feet.

eye area
600 PLN
1 600 PLN
face + eye area
2 200 PLN 1 900 PLN
the upper part of the face
1 000 PLN
the lower part of the face
1 200 PLN
600 PLN
face + chin
2 200 PLN 1 900 PLN
lower part of the face + chin
1 800 PLN 1 600 PLN
800 PLN
neck + chin
1 400 PLN 1 200 PLN
face + chin + neck
3 000 PLN
face + eye area + chin + neck
3 600 PLN 2 600 PLN
1 200 PLN
decolletage + bust
2 400 PLN 1 900 PLN
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
HIFU SonoQueen for eyes

Effective eye area lifting and reduction of crow's feet

HIFU SonoQueen is an innovative ultrasonic technology that effectively improves the appearance of delicate skin around the eyes, providing a lifting and rejuvenating effect. With a special head designed for this area, the HIFU SonoQueen treatment effectively reduces crow's feet, wrinkles, and drooping eyelids. The treatment lifts the brows, improves skin tension, and smooths out wrinkles, making the eyes appear more open and the face look younger and fresher.

How does the HIFU SonoQueen technology work?

HIFU SonoQueen uses ultrasonic waves that penetrate the skin at various depths. The ultrasound waves stimulate collagen production, regenerate collagen fibers, and improve skin structure, leading to its natural lifting and increased elasticity.

Effects of the HIFU SonoQueen treatment on the eye area:

  • Reduction of crow's feet – smoothing out wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Lifting of drooping eyelids – improving skin tension on the eyelids.
  • Brow lift – lifting the brows, giving the face a younger and fresher look.
  • Smoothing out wrinkles – reducing fine lines around the eyes.
  • Improvement of skin structure – denser skin, improved elasticity, and tension.
  • Rejuvenation of the gaze – open, fresh, and younger-looking eyes.

The HIFU SonoQueen treatment is an excellent option for those seeking an effective, non-invasive method to reduce wrinkles and improve the appearance of the eye area. With the use of ultrasound, the treatment's effects are natural and long-lasting, resulting in firmer, smoother, and rejuvenated skin.

chicken claws
1 200 PLN
eye area
2 500 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69

Lifting and Skin Rejuvenation with Ultrasound

HIFU SonoQueen is a modern technology that utilizes ultrasound to effectively stimulate skin regeneration and improve its firmness. The treatment provides a lifting effect, lifting and tightening the skin, dramatically improving facial contours and shape. The result is smoother wrinkles, reduced nasolabial folds, and a decrease in "jowls" and double chin. With HIFU SonoQueen, sagging eyelids can also be reduced, crow's feet smoothed out, and eyebrows lifted, giving the eyes a more open appearance and the face a younger, fresher look.

How does HIFU SonoQueen technology work?

HIFU SonoQueen uses ultrasound waves that penetrate the skin at different depths. Ultrasound stimulates collagen production, regenerates collagen fibers, and improves skin structure, leading to natural lifting and improved skin elasticity.

Effects of the HIFU SonoQueen treatment on the face and eye area:

  • Facial skin lifting – lifting the facial oval, improving the jawline.
  • Reduction of "jowls" and "double chin" – decreasing volume in the lower part of the face.
  • Wrinkle smoothing – reducing nasolabial folds and wrinkles.
  • Lifting eyelids and eyebrows – reducing sagging eyelids, lifting eyebrows.
  • Skin densification – improving skin density, smoothing wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Eye rejuvenation – improving skin structure around the eyes, reducing crow's feet.

The HIFU SonoQueen treatment is an innovative method that effectively enhances the appearance of facial skin and the eye area, providing a visible lifting and rejuvenating effect. With ultrasound technology, natural and long-lasting results can be achieved, such as wrinkle smoothing and lifting of sagging tissues. This is an excellent alternative for individuals seeking an effective rejuvenating treatment without the need for surgical intervention.

5 000 PLN
face + chicken paws
6 200 PLN 5 200 PLN
face and eye area
7 500 PLN 6 000 PLN
2 000 PLN
face and eye area
9 500 PLN 7 000 PLN
3 500 PLN
5 500 PLN 4 500 PLN
3 000 PLN
face,neck and chin
12 500 PLN 9 000 PLN
4 000 PLN
face, neck, chin and decolletage
16 500 PLN 10 990 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Pelleve RF + nanosoft eye booster - eye area

The RF treatment for the eye area includes the upper and lower eyelids as well as crow's feet. It provides a gentle lifting effect on the brows, smoothes crow's feet and wrinkles around the eyes, and improves skin quality. It corrects drooping eyelids by shrinking excess skin.

The Nanosoft eye booster is an innovative revitalizing treatment for the eye area. It involves administering high-quality revitalizing ingredients (approximately 50 vitamins, amino acids, coenzymes, antioxidants, and minerals) into the skin using a special Nanosoft needle based on micro-needle technology, which leaves no marks on the skin. It deeply moisturizes, nourishes, and revitalizes the thin and delicate skin around the eyes.

This package is recommended for individuals over 40 years old, when the skin around the eyes begins to sag, wrinkles appear, and regular revitalization, moisturization, and firming are needed to maintain a healthy, youthful appearance.

Spa Deep
790 PLN 690 PLN
Pelleve RF
1 090 PLN 990 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
HIFU SonoQueen on hands

Effective skin rejuvenation and regeneration

The HIFU SonoQueen treatment is an advanced technology that effectively restores a younger look to your hands and improves the condition of the skin. High-frequency ultrasound waves act on three levels of the skin: the dermis, adipose tissue, and the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS). This process regenerates collagen fibers, firms, and tightens the skin, providing a non-surgical lifting effect.

How does HIFU SonoQueen work on hands?

The ultrasound beam precisely penetrates deep into the skin, activating natural repair processes. The treatment stimulates collagen production, leading to improved firmness, tension, and elasticity of the skin. It is the perfect solution to reduce skin laxity and smooth out its texture on the hands.

Results of the HIFU SonoQueen treatment on hands:

  • Wrinkle reduction – smoothing the skin and reducing signs of aging.
  • Skin firming and tightening – hands become elastic and younger-looking.
  • Improvement in skin density – the skin gains thickness and resistance to aging processes.
  • Hand lifting – visible lifting and smoothing of sagging skin.
  • Natural regeneration – due to intense stimulation of collagen production.
  • Long-lasting results – the effect lasts for many months.

Why choose HIFU SonoQueen for hands?

Hands are one of the most visible areas where the signs of time are evident. The HIFU SonoQueen treatment is a quick, safe, and non-invasive method to restore a youthful, well-cared-for appearance to them. Ultrasound technology ensures visible effects after just one session, without the need for a long recovery period.

Trust the modern technology of HIFU SonoQueen to keep your hands looking fresh, smooth, and young.


Skin Tightening and Firming for the Body

HIFU SonoQueen is a modern ultrasound technology that allows for effective skin tightening and improvement of skin firmness in various areas of the body. Through the action of focused ultrasound energy, the treatment reduces sagging, shapes the silhouette, and smoothens the skin. It is an ideal solution for individuals who wish to reduce loose skin after weight loss, improve firmness post-pregnancy, or simply rejuvenate specific body parts.

How Does HIFU SonoQueen Technology Work on the Body?

HIFU SonoQueen emits ultrasonic waves that penetrate the skin at deep levels, reaching up to the SMAS layer (superficial musculoaponeurotic system). The concentrated ultrasound causes microdamage to the tissue, stimulating regenerative processes such as collagen and elastin production. As a result, the skin becomes tighter, more elastic, and rejuvenated. The technology works selectively, without affecting surrounding tissues, making the treatment safe and non-invasive.

Effects of HIFU SonoQueen Treatment on the Body:

  • Skin Tightening - Improvement of skin firmness in areas such as the abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks, or back. The skin becomes more elastic and flexible.

  • Sagging Reduction - Tightening loose skin, e.g., after weight loss or pregnancy. Visible smoothing of skin irregularities.

  • Silhouette Modeling - Definition and firming of body contours. Assisting in reducing localized fat deposits.

  • Skin Texture Improvement - Smoothing the skin on problematic areas such as inner thighs or knee areas. Reducing "loose skin" around the arms ("bat wings").

  • Collagen and Elastin Stimulation - Intensive regeneration of collagen fibers, leading to long-lasting skin firmness.

  • Scalpel-Free Lift - Visible improvement in skin tightness without surgical intervention. No long recovery period – quick return to daily activities.

  • Long-Lasting Results - The treatment is a one-time procedure. The effects of the treatment last long due to natural skin regeneration stimulation.

Why Choose HIFU SonoQueen for the Body?

HIFU SonoQueen treatment is a safe and effective method for enhancing the body's appearance. With ultrasound technology, achieving the effects of skin tightening and firming is possible without pain and invasive procedures. The treatment is an excellent choice for individuals looking to improve their skin condition and see visible results in a short time.

HIFU SonoQueen is an innovative alternative to surgical body contouring methods, allowing individuals to enjoy firmer and smoother skin throughout the body.

flabby arms
4 000 PLN
6 000 PLN
inner thighs
8 000 PLN
inner thighs
8 000 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Endermologie LPG for the eyes

A treatment created to thicken thin and flabby skin under the eyes. Vacuum massage combined with vibration stimulates the fibroblasts so that it stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. Tightens, firms, strengthens and increases the elasticity and density of the skin, reduces wrinkles, smooths out imperfections. Drains the tissue and improves the lymph flow, reducing puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

LPG Integral
90 PLN
LPG Integral with facial treatment
50 PLN
eye lift
120 PLN
LPG Alliance with facial treatment
70 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69

Goups of treatments prices

Deep eyelids exfoliation program

Free - Roll-cit eye area (for home use)

Intensive brightening program with lifting and reducing crow's feet, swelling and bruising around the eyes effect. We can achieve brightening result and better eyelid tension. To achieve a satisfactory effect, you should support professional treatments at home, using roll cit under the eyes, which through micro-puncturing of the skin causes accelerated skin regeneration and increase of its penetration by creams and other skincare products.

Eye peels can be used once, that's when they regenerate the skin around the eyes. However, in order to reduce crow's feet, a series of six treatments is recommended.

To achieve the best result, Roll-cit should be used two to seven times a week for 10 to 15 minutes in combination with preparations.

Icoone Face Lift

The treatment includes facial lymphatic drainage and anti-aging treatment for the eye area. It allows you to offset the crow's feet, wrinkles, puffy eyes, dark circles and bags under the eyes. This reliable method of massaging the skin. It tightens and improves the color of your skin.

6 treatments 20 min
1 200 PLN 1 080 PLN
6 treatments 40 min
1 800 PLN 1 620 PLN
10 treatments 20 min
2 000 PLN 1 600 PLN
10 treatments 40 min
3 000 PLN 2 400 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69



This preparation is used for mesotherapy around the eye area. Its unique composition gives immediate results in moisture, microcirculation and lightening shadows under the eyes. It also works as an antioxidant.

Indications: dehydrated skin, dark circles and bags under the eyes, fine wrinkles.

Active ingredients:

  • 5 mg / ml HA hyaluronic acid + 27.3 mg / ml biorevitalizing complex
  • 11 antioxidants: eg vit.C, Naringin, Resveratrol, R-2 Viniferin, ε-Viniferin, R Viniferin, Iso-ε-Viniferin
  • 5 flavonoids: Troxerutin, Rutin, Naringin, Hesperidin Methyl Chalcone, Hesperidin
  • 3 saponins: Ruscogenin, Neoruscogenin, Escin
  • 6 polyphenols: R-2 Viniferin, ε-Viniferin, R-Viniferin, Iso-ε-Viniferin, Resveratrol, Coumarin
  • 2 peptides: DipeptideVW, Peptide Pal-GQPR1
  • 1 trace element: Organic silicium (organic silicon)
Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution
Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution

With a unique combination of biomimetic peptides, Dermaheal Dark Circle Solutions lightens, brightens and hydrates the skin under the eyes, reducing dark circles and signs of fatigue - giving the effect of a fresh and radiant look. This product smooths wrinkles under the eyes and prevents their future formation. It improves skin’s elasticity by increasing the synthesis of collagen and elastin. It also reduces synthesis of melanin, preventing the accumulation of excess pigment, and thus the formation of shadows under the eyes.

Active ingredients:

  • Biomimetic peptides:
    • Oligopeptide-34: reduces the synthesis of melanin by blocking the transfer of melanin cells to keratinocytes, it is responsible for the hydration of the skin,
    • Oligopeptide-24 reduces wrinkles affecting cell proliferation.
    • Decapeptide-4: strengthens the elasticity, affects the synthesis of elastin and collagen, improves the metabolism of proteins, reduces insulin resistance, improves reduction of fatty tissue, it is responsible for smoothing the skin.
Dermaheal Eyebag Solution
Dermaheal Eyebag Solution

With a unique combination of biomimetic peptides, Dermaheal Eyebag Solutions improves microcirculation and stimulates drainage to reduce the "bags" and swelling and under the eyes and to prevent lymphatic stagnation. This product reduces the expression of factors, that prevent the formation of fat and it also stimulates lipolysis to remove fat under the eyes. Dermaheal Eyebag Solutions reduces wrinkles, tones and tightens the skin, giving the effect of skin rejuvenation; it is also brightening and illuminating.

Active ingredients:

  • Biomimetic peptides:
    • Tripeptide-41 prevents the accumulation of body fat and stimulate lipolysis.
    • Nonapeptide-18: anti-aging, anti-inflammatory,
    • Oligopeptide-61 increases fat deposition,
    • Oligopeptide-73: prevent skin cells damage by blocking the UV radiations
    • and other factors that induce apoptosis.