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Julia Kamińska Bycie ambasadorką Ambasady Urody to zaszczyt. Jest tu profesjonalnie, pięknie, domowo, wręcz rodzinnie :-)...
Dorota Gardias My work requires a very particular care of my appearance. I do not experiment with this things, specialists know best!
Anita Sokołowska Uważam, że prawdziwe piękno zapewnia spokój i harmonię w życiu codziennym, a duchowa równowaga zawsze emanuje na zewnątrz ciała.
Sylwia Madeńska

Sylwia Madeńska poleca Ambasadę Urody w Warszawie.

Katarzyna Herman Such a lovely place! Divinely even! And oddly always on the way…
Joanna Opozda Wizyty w Ambasadzie Urody to dla mnie pora relaksu i odprężenia. Oddaję się w ręce specjalistów, którzy doskonale znają moje potrzeby...
Aleksandra Niespielak There are many places in Warsaw, where you can take care of yourself- but only one in which I feel this good...
Izabela Trojanowska Ambasada Urody has for years been my go-to place, when I want to take care of myself...
Magdalena Perlińska Ambasada Urody to miejsce, w którym znajduję ukojenie dla ciała i ducha po intensywnym dniu na planie...
Ewa Szlachcic Już po pierwszej wizycie w Ambasadzie Urody wiedziałam, że jest to miłość od pierwszego… masażu :)...

Vitamin cocktail spa ceremony

Rejuvenating and relaxing spa ceremony with cranberries

Rejuvenating and relaxing SPA ceremony that uses the unique properties of cranberries. It is recommended for people with tired and old skin. The combination of exceptional natural resources neutralizes free radicals, slows the aging process, strengthens and tightens the skin and provides it with natural vitamins and minerals. After the treatment, the skin becomes firmer and healthier and the smell of fresh cranberries remains long on the skin which bring you to a positive mood.

  • Japanese Facial Massage - A rejuvenating facial massage technique that provides a visible and long-lasting effects. It is a completely natural and non-invasive form of facelift and facial rejuvenation. The positive effect not only include the improvement of appearance, but also the well-being and getting rid of accumulated stress.
  • Sugar peeling with cranberry fruit flecks – It revitalizes, refreshes and brightens tired skin. It provides many valuable vitamins, especially vitamins C and E, strengthening the blood vessels and protects the skin cells from aging. It gently cleanses and smoothens the skin and prepares it for the next phase of the fragrant fruit care.
  • Rejuvenating Cranberry body mask – A vitamin bomb which helps the skin to regain elasticity, vitality and youthful appearance. It strengthens the skin, improving its color and condition. The mask has a perfect velvety consistency and a wonderful fragrance of fresh juicy cranberries. Perfect for people with varicose veins and capillaries.
  • Bath Spa or Aemotio SPA- Clients will rest on a comfortable heated bed, allowing them to feel the beneficial effects of the hot saturated essential oils steam with herbs. The moist heat stimulates the secretory function of the skin by stimulating the excretion of harmful waste products and toxins. The steam penetrates deep into the skin and moisturizes it positively influencing its appearance
  • Cranberry butter body – It involves rubbing the body with appetizing cranberry-scented butter. Renews the lipid barrier, moisturizes and tones the skin, regenerates and inhibits the aging process by protecting cellular DNA of the skin.

420 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23
Day Spa Wilcza 22 621 58 69