ICOONE medical programs allow you to eliminate the inflammation of muscles and tendons, fight lymphatic edema and constipation, improve the aesthetics of scars and stretch marks and improve skin firmness after liposuction. Icoone Med is also ideal for practicing professionally or amateur athletes, who expect massage that will regenerate their body and mind and ease the pain.
Thanks to the excellence of ICOONE technology ,among other medical programs, there is one specially designed for women after childbirth.
- a treatment of edema - drainage and stimulation of venous tissue, irreplaceable treatment for people with vascular problems,
- constipation program - improving peristalsis and elimination of constipation,
- a program for fresh and old scars - reducing scar, improve tissue flexibility, elimination of fibrosis and elimination of swelling and inflammation at the fresh scars,
- a program for stretch marks - with the appropriate programs you can completely or substantially reduce their size, convexity and improve the aesthetics,
- a program for women after childbirth - thanks to the specially developed Massmother program, it allows to achieve the appearance of the skin before pregnancy, strengthening a major muscle group, eliminating "loose skin", stretch marks and cellulite,
- a program after liposuction – treatments have analgesic action, accelerate the absorption of bruises and scars healing, eliminate swelling, adhesions after surgery, as well as perfectly model the silhouette and eliminate the excess loose skin,
- holistic massage before competition – this program is performed during the entire cycle, before the competition and during the transition period and during convalescence,
- “ before the start program” - this program is targeted for players with "the pre-fever". It has a calming effect, massage is performed immediately before the start,
- after exercise program, also known as regenerative massage,
- fractures, dislocations and sprains massage – the aim of this massage is to help in the recovery period, the regulation of the nervous system, skin stimulation and revitalization of the blood circulation,
- contractures massage - the main aim of this program is relaxation of localized pain syndromes and restoration of the proper functioning of muscles and tendons,
- massage in cases of inflammation and carpal tunnel syndrome - the main goal of this program is the elimination of acute and chronic pain and relaxation of muscles and tendons.