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Manual therapy and therapeutical massages

Manual therapy is the restoration of reversible disorders in skeletal muscles, joints, skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia and nervous system. The cause of functional changes are primarily disorders of normal posture and movement. This occurs under the influence of improper posture during daily life, repetitive faulty motor actions, and bad form of breathing as well as injuries, surgeries, increased mental tension and constant stressful situation. Stress is often the first step in the chain of functional changes. Living in constant tension, fatigue, anxiety, causes a defensive posture. This leads to a constant static tension of certain muscle groups which in turn impairs the mobility of the joints that regulates the muscles. Disorder of movable joints, especially if these are joints of the spine, may then lead to pathological symptoms in all structures innervated from a blocked segment of the spine. In the area innervated from a locked segment, it leads to changes in texture and elasticity of the skin and also leads to formation of hyperalgesic zones and overly sensitive points. The study of soft tissue, known as layered study, is based on a very thorough assessment through palpation. The main task of the diagnostic studies is to find the first link in the chain of functional changes. Only when the source of disturbance is eliminated, it will lead to a cure.

Important information for patient about the manual therapy:

  • The therapist, depending on the needs of the patient, uses various methods of manual therapy: Mulligan, Rakowski, a’Levite and McTimoney's chiropractic method.
  • It is not aimed at producing cracks at the joints and often the desired effect is achieved using very delicate force.
  • It is important for the patient to cooperate with the therapist because it will reduce the time of treatment. The patient himself will subconsciously know that the exercise is good for him and how it will bring him the desired results.
  • If the patient with the help of a therapist knows the cause of his ailment, this information may in the future help prevent its recurrence.

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Masaż leczniczy masłem shea -10%

Masaż przynosi wiele pozytywnych skutków: pomaga w utrzymaniu zdrowia i urody, usuwa zmęczenie, relaksuje, działa przeciwbólowo i rozluźniająco, przyspiesza regenerację mięśni i poprawia ich elastyczność.

Promocja ważna do: 30.04.2024
Pakiet leczniczy10 masaży leczniczych + 2 zabiegi presoterapii GRATIS

Pakiet leczniczy
10 masaży leczniczych + 2 zabiegi presoterapii GRATIS

Masaż przynosi wiele pozytywnych skutków: pomaga w utrzymaniu zdrowia i urody, usuwa zmęczenie, relaksuje, działa przeciwbólowo i rozluźniająco, przyspiesza regenerację mięśni i poprawia ich elastyczność.

Treatments prices:

Medical massage

This therapeutic massage (usually a back and neck massage) is aimed at the treatment of certain disorders of the body through manual interaction of the skin and tissue located directly beneath its surface. It has a beneficial effect on the
220 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23
Day Spa Wilcza 22 621 58 69

Medical massage

This therapeutic massage (usually a back and neck massage) is aimed at the treatment of certain disorders of the body through manual interaction of the skin and tissue located directly beneath its surface. It has a beneficial effect on the
280 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23
Day Spa Wilcza 22 621 58 69

Deep tissue massage

Deep tissue massage is one of the most effective forms of working with soft tissues in many diseases and pain ailments of the musculoskeletal system. The main goal of this massage is to find persistent restrictions and abnormal tensions within
220 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23
Day Spa Wilcza 22 621 58 69

Manual therapy

Manual therapy helps to restore the health of reversible functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system in which there are underlying organic diseases such as inflammation, cancer, tuberculosis, structural changes or organic diseases of
210 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23
Day Spa Wilcza 22 621 58 69


Mc’Timoney chiropractic method "is a method of diagnosis and treatment of disorders through oscillation, mobilization and manipulation of the spine and other joints. It is scientifically based on the fact that good health is dependent
210 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23

Body chiromassage

It is a wonderful, relaxing, anti-aging massage of the whole body using a whole range of different techniques. Its application is not only as a relaxing treatment or healing but it can be successfully incorporated into the prevention of
250 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23