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Julia Kamińska Bycie ambasadorką Ambasady Urody to zaszczyt. Jest tu profesjonalnie, pięknie, domowo, wręcz rodzinnie :-)...
Dorota Gardias My work requires a very particular care of my appearance. I do not experiment with this things, specialists know best!
Anita Sokołowska Uważam, że prawdziwe piękno zapewnia spokój i harmonię w życiu codziennym, a duchowa równowaga zawsze emanuje na zewnątrz ciała.
Sylwia Madeńska

Sylwia Madeńska poleca Ambasadę Urody w Warszawie.

Katarzyna Herman Such a lovely place! Divinely even! And oddly always on the way…
Joanna Opozda Wizyty w Ambasadzie Urody to dla mnie pora relaksu i odprężenia. Oddaję się w ręce specjalistów, którzy doskonale znają moje potrzeby...
Aleksandra Niespielak There are many places in Warsaw, where you can take care of yourself- but only one in which I feel this good...
Izabela Trojanowska Ambasada Urody has for years been my go-to place, when I want to take care of myself...
Magdalena Perlińska Ambasada Urody to miejsce, w którym znajduję ukojenie dla ciała i ducha po intensywnym dniu na planie...
Ewa Szlachcic Już po pierwszej wizycie w Ambasadzie Urody wiedziałam, że jest to miłość od pierwszego… masażu :)...



For diseased and deformed feet, we recommend soft silicone brace that allows you to feel comfortable while walking. It will correct deformities in the fingers of feet and protect against the painful friction and oppression caused by shoes.

Orthotic of the polymer gel is soft and skin-friendly. They do not cause allergic reactions and do not irritate. They provide effective protection, do not move in the shoe and are resistant to gentle stretching.

We recommend anti-pressure pillows for the halluces, toes and forefoot, protective rings for the toes, the fingers adjusters and others.

Indications for use of orthoses:

  • Removing corns or warts - securing the healing area after the procedure,
  • Protection of the inflammation, and in particular of the nail shaft.
  •  provide relief for cracked heel that is covered with a cleft

It is also used in the case of:

  • interdigital calluses caused by too tight arrangement of the fingers,
  • discomfort on the tips of the toe,
  • increased or the inflamed bursa big toe - common in halux valgus,
  • pain in different parts of the foot (often metatarsal and heel).

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