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Julia Kamińska Bycie ambasadorką Ambasady Urody to zaszczyt. Jest tu profesjonalnie, pięknie, domowo, wręcz rodzinnie :-)...
Dorota Gardias My work requires a very particular care of my appearance. I do not experiment with this things, specialists know best!
Anita Sokołowska Uważam, że prawdziwe piękno zapewnia spokój i harmonię w życiu codziennym, a duchowa równowaga zawsze emanuje na zewnątrz ciała.
Sylwia Madeńska

Sylwia Madeńska poleca Ambasadę Urody w Warszawie.

Katarzyna Herman Such a lovely place! Divinely even! And oddly always on the way…
Joanna Opozda Wizyty w Ambasadzie Urody to dla mnie pora relaksu i odprężenia. Oddaję się w ręce specjalistów, którzy doskonale znają moje potrzeby...
Aleksandra Niespielak There are many places in Warsaw, where you can take care of yourself- but only one in which I feel this good...
Izabela Trojanowska Ambasada Urody has for years been my go-to place, when I want to take care of myself...
Magdalena Perlińska Ambasada Urody to miejsce, w którym znajduję ukojenie dla ciała i ducha po intensywnym dniu na planie...
Ewa Szlachcic Już po pierwszej wizycie w Ambasadzie Urody wiedziałam, że jest to miłość od pierwszego… masażu :)...

Craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a very delicate manipulation and oppression of the skull, pelvis, diaphragm, thorax and the sacrum in order to relax the connective-tissue structures where tension in this area could cause many health problems. The creator of this method is Dr. William Garner Sutherland, who in the twentieth century is the first person to develop a consistent model of the system of joint tensions and rules of their transfer in the skull, the dura mater and the sacrum. Dr. Sutherland showed that there is still movement among the cranial bones even after the completion of its development and he also discovered the law of mutual tensions between the hard lining of the cranial cavity which surrounds the spinal cord and the sacrum with the backbone of the skull. His work allowed researchers such as Becker, Jealous, Kern, Milne, Sills and Upledger to demonstrate the systemic consequences of disturbances in the system and the capability to utilize this therapy as a treatment method of many diseases in all age groups.