Nano peels are peels using the latest nanotechnology achievements that work at the DNA level. Their active substances are closed in liposomes - lipid vesicles that transport their substances to the deepest layers of the skin. Thanks to this, they have a very wide spectrum of activity, and the achievable effects are much more spectacular than in the case of standard anti-aging preparations.

Peels bring much better results when combined with micro-piercing.

Nanotechnology enables the transfer of active ingredients enclosed in nanosomes to the deepest layers of the skin, enhancing their effectiveness. By using nanosomes, the active substances contained in them also have greater stability (this mainly applies to vitamins A and C, as well as all substances with high oxidative capacity), allowing them to reach the deep layers of the skin in an unchanged form.

Nano peels yield significantly better results when combined with microneedling.

Threatment prices

The DNA Recovery Peel

DNA Recovery Peel is an absolute innovation in the field of medical nanotechnological peels that prevents skin damage caused by the sun and prevents their formation.

DNA Recovery Peel is based on several active ingredients that act in the dermis, at the level of cell DNA, protecting them from damage caused by UV rays and repairing existing damage. The ingredients slow down the process of photoaging of the skin. The treatment improves the skin's tone and radiance, enhances its structure, elasticity, and firmness. The skin treated with DNA Recovery Peel regains its fresh, youthful appearance, and wrinkles and discoloration are less visible.

The repair of damage and improvement of skin appearance is the result of the synergistic action of peel ingredients such as:

  • ferulic acid - reduces the formation of thymidine dimers by up to 40% (these are connections between DNA acids that form under the influence of sunlight), thereby protecting the skin from the effects of UVA and UVB radiation. It initiates and supports the action of other photoprotectors. It helps minimize damage in skin cells caused by UVA and UVB radiation, protecting cellular DNA. It neutralizes free radicals and enhances the action of antioxidants - vitamins E and C. It reduces inflammation and redness caused by the oxidative (oxidizing) process that occurs in the skin with the involvement of free radicals. It inhibits the action of tyrosinase.
  • retinol - stimulates keratinocyte proliferation. It protects, repairs, and stimulates collagen fiber production. It modulates the activity of altered melanocytes, has anti-wrinkle and anti-acne effects.
  • growth factors (EGF, TGF-beta2) - stimulate the activity of fibroblasts and keratinocytes. They stimulate, increase, and accelerate the repair of the epidermis and collagen synthesis.
  • DNA repair enzymes (photolyase, endonuclease, exonuclease) - repair damage in cells (resulting from the action of free radicals) changes in the structure of nitrogenous bases on the DNA strands, and protection from the negative effects of tanning.
  • zinc and amino acids - stabilize DNA strands

Indications for the DNA Recovery Peel treatment: photoaging, melasma, and sunspots.

Effects of DNA Recovery Peel:

  • improvement of skin structure,
  • reduction of pigmentation and evening out skin tone,
  • prevention of damage caused by UV radiation,
  • slowing down the process of skin photoaging,
  • reduction of wrinkles.
350 PLN
twarz + szyja
450 PLN
twarz + szyja + dekolt
600 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Retises CT Nanopeel

The two-phase dermatological peel, which strengthens and accelerates the effects of anti-aging, anti-acne and anti-hyperpigmentation treatments. First of all, on the face, neck and décolleté we apply ampoule with vitamin C and then mask with retinol, lactic acid and active ingredients, that improve penetration. It acts as a chemical peel to remove dead skin cells. Additionally, it stimulates cell renewal and protein synthesis, increases enzymatic activity and normalizes keratinization. Retises Nanopeel inhibits melanogenesis, which is the synthesis of the pigment. It lightens discoloration, caused by excessive exposure to UV radiation. It nourishes the skin, reduces wrinkles and prevents the new ones to occur. Retises Nanopeel also improves skin elasticity. It increases the NMF (Natural Moisturizing Factor) in the skin and also has antioxidant properties.

Indications: mature or damaged skin with plenty of wrinkles and pigmented spots, photoaging, hyperpigmentation, melasma, acne.

500 PLN
twarz + szyja
600 PLN
twarz + szyja + dekolt
700 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Ferulac Peel

This is the latest generation peel for skin rejuvenation with active ingredients contained in liposomes. In this treatment an innovative technique of transporting active substances using appropriate carriers has been used, which easily overcome the barrier of the epidermis. The active ingredients contain ferulic acid and fruit acids – malic and citric acid. The treatment has antioxidant and regenerating properties, it maintains the lipid balance of the skin, lightens discoloration after sun, quickly improve the condition of the skin.

Indications: skin imperfections, first wrinkles, expression lines, loss of firmness, discoloration, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, acne and acne scars

Skin type: grey, dehydrated, tired skin with imperfections ( oily/combination).

380 PLN
twarz + szyja
480 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69
Salipeel Lic

Salipeel Lic is the latest generation anti-acne peel using Lipoceutical nanotechnology and liposome technology. The use of these two advanced technologies allows you to achieve excellent results, while the skin's reaction and flaking are minimal.

350 PLN
twarz + szyja
450 PLN
Wilanów: 22 253 23 23
Wilcza: 22 621 58 69