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Dermapen for scars

Dermapen microneedle mesotherapy is a system of pulsating needles that create in the skin vertical micro-holes with a depth of 0.5 mm to 2.5 mm (adjustable), which triggers natural regenerative processes that lead to creating a new skin from the inside, that replaces the scar. The procedure is used to treat acne, post-inflammatory, postoperative scars, burns and stretch marks.

The key of Dermapen® is to use the body's natural ability to heal and rebuild tissue. The procedure involves performing several thousand special micro-punctures. The resulting micro-injuries lead to skin regeneration. Fibroblasts are stimulated (through the action of platelet-derived growth factors) and the production of new collagen and elastin fibers, which improves the density and elasticity of the skin,

At the same time, during the procedure preparations with moisturizing, nourishing and firming properties are introduced. This is because thanks to the use of micro-punctures, hundreds of micro-channels are formed in the skin, which breaks the epidermal barrier, allowing active ingredients to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. During micro-puncturing, this absorption increases up to 1000 times. The supply of active substances to the epidermis and dermis provides additional stimulation of fibroblasts.

The number of recommended Dermapen treatments depends on the condition of the skin. To achieve a noticeable improvement in skin condition, it is necessary in most cases to perform more than one treatment. For scars, 6-8 treatments are recommended at intervals of 2-4 weeks.

Treatments prices:

Dermapen 3 - scars

Microneedle mesotherapy Dermapen, due to excessive regeneration, is an effective treatment for all kinds of scars including surgical, acne and burns. The treatment stimulates the reconstruction of damaged skin, that’s why hypertrophic scars
780 - 1180 PLN
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23