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Removing scars with laser

Removing acne scars and postoperative scars with laser treatments
all skin types, excellent results

Surgical and post-acne scars can cause emotional and physical discomfort, reducing quality of life. In some cases the scars may even limit the mobility of the person. Procedures for removing postoperative scars are usually painful, invasive and carry the risk of complications.

Laser scar removal technology is a non-invasive solution, using fractional laser, allowing to quickly and efficiently remove the scarred tissue with less risk, less pain and a minimum period of return to full functionality. The healing process of the skin is short, the risk of infection eliminated and their pain is little or non-existent at all. Advanced Contact Cooling technology protects the epidermis, increasing the comfort and safety of the treatment. Technology of laser scar removal can be used on all skin types, which together with the excellent results making it the preferred method of removing scars.

How does the laser scars removal work?

Laser acne and postoperative scar removal treatments use fractional laser light to create a micro column of coagulated tissue that extend deeply into the skin without ablating the epidermis. The use of laser pulses to stimulate natural response in the form of wound healing by coagulation of scar tissue. In the place of damaged skin cells creates new, healthy one. This improves significantly the appearance of scarred tissue.

When to use laser scar removal?

Post acne scars, trauma, post-accident, burns and post-operative scars. The procedure is used to its 100% potential when the scar is fresh, then the effects can be excellent. When the scar has two months, it is the perfect time to start treatment. Most often it is necessary to perform 3-5 treatments at intervals of 3-4 weeks.

Goups of treatments prices:

Usuwanie blizn laserem frakcyjnym CO2

Zastosowanie lasera frakcyjnego CO2 pozwala uzyskać bardzo dużą redukcję blizn przerostowych i zanikowych różnego pochodzenia. Laser CO2 działa dokładnie tam, gdzie jest to potrzebne, aby naprawić bliznę od wewnątrz
Single scar 500 PLN
Caesarean section scar from 900 PLN
Single scar 300 PLN
Single scar 400 PLN
Single scar 500 PLN
Single scar 800 PLN
Single scar 1000 PLN
Single scar 1200 PLN
Face 1400 PLN
Face 600 PLN

Usuwanie blizn laserem hybrydowym OScar

Usuwanie blizn laserem hybrydowym OScar to najskuteczniejsza metoda leczenia wszystkich rodzajów blizn, od trądziku, przez urazy, aż po blizny chirurgiczne. Dlaczego laser hybrydowy jest tak skuteczny? Sukces leczenia

Usuwanie blizn laserem frakcyjnym ablacyjnym

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Caesarean section scar from 900 PLN
Single scar 300 PLN
Single scar 400 PLN
Single scar 500 PLN
Single scar 800 PLN
Single scar 1000 PLN
Single scar 1200 PLN
Face 1400 PLN
Face 600 PLN