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Kwas polimlekowy PDLLA - najsilniejszy biostymulator

PDLLA is not considered as a temporary filler, also not a permanent implant, but it may be described as a volumetric preparation, because it smooths out deep wrinkles and reconstructs face volume, resulting from the aging process.

This is a unique substance that works by stimulating facial tissues to produce its own collagen, which complements the deficiencies in the skin. It firms the cheeks, raises drooping corners of the mouth, smooths lines and wrinkles, restores the lost volume of the skin, providing filled contours and the rejuvenation effect.

Skin rebuilding treatment

Treatment using Sculptra the formulation involves injecting it deep into the skin or intradermally, depending on the effect patient wishes to achieve. Sculptra is a safe product, because it is entirely biocompatible with the human body - in injection we are using suspension of L-polylactic’s acid micro particles in sterile water. A blend stimulates the skin to self-regeneration in a subtly but effective way. Typical injections placement are: wrinkles around the corners of the mouth, forehead, cheeks, zygomatic arches, around the jaw and the valley of tears. Thanks to the suspension in many places during one visit you gain a complex rejuvenation effect.

When to use

  • deep folds between the nose and lips (nasolabial wrinkles),
  • furrows in the corners of the mouth (marionette lines),
  • sunken cheeks,
  • wrinkles on cheeks and chin,
  • around the cheekbones.

Sculptra treatment is recommended particularly for those with thin skin and a slim face – those patients notice a gradual loss of collagen faster and it is usually more visible. The treatment is a popular choice for men who want to rejuvenate their skin in an effective but discreet way.

Sculptra treatments effects

This method is discrete, which provides a natural-looking effect. The results require time, which makes the change gradual, restoring what has been lost. Full correction usually requires to make 2 or 3 treatments and the results are very natural. They should be visible after about six weeks. Improvement of the look is long-lasting and is sustainable for more than two years.

Treatments prices:

Specimen prices:


Sculptra or L-polylactic acid is a completely absorbable preparation injected under the skin to increase skin’s volume and smooth out lines and wrinkles. The results after the treatment appear gradually and are long-lasting thanks to the
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23
Day Spa Wilcza 22 621 58 69

AesPlla (kwas polimlekowy)

Stymulator kolagenu
AesPlla® składa się z kwasu L-polimlekowego (PLLA), którego cząsteczki pobudzają fibroblasty do produkcji kolagenu, w efekcie czego utracona objętość na twarzy lub ciele ponownie wypełnia się odbudowaną tkanką.
Medical Spa Wilanów 22 253 23 23
Day Spa Wilcza 22 621 58 69