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Thread lifting

Thread lifting revolutionized the way we think about aesthetic medicine, becoming proven and safe method of facial and body rejuvenation. Their advantage is primarily a natural effect, minimal invasiveness, low risk of complications and long-lasting aesthetic results. The benefits of this treatment are long-lasting, and the results are immediate.

Wide range of threads sizes, their diversity and versatility allow you to achieve spectacular results. Threads without hooks are used mainly to improve skin texture and mild facelift. Implementing them a little deeper, we can also reduce the strength of facial mimic muscles and get aesthetic effects similar to the botulinum toxin. Using threads with hooks allows to get a result of a distinct lifting of sagging tissues.

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Poprawa owalu twarzy i redukcja chomików nićmi liftingującymi

Thread lift First Lift PDO

The First Lift PDO thread system consists of thin threads used to improve the structure, density and elasticity of delicate skin. They do not have cones or hooks to raise the tissues, and the lifting effect is achieved thanks to a special thread weave and the properties of stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are demonstrated by polydioxanone - the substance from which they are made. Thanks to the First Lift PDO treatment, we can also reduce the strength of the facial muscles and achieve aesthetic effects similar to the administration of botulinum toxin - muscle relaxation, smoothing wrinkles and facial features.

Thread lift First Lift Barb

Thread lifting First Lift Barb is the best alternative to the traditional facelift surgery because of minimal invasiveness, lack of side effects and long-lasting aesthetic results. A wide range of sizes of threads and their diversity and versatility give a reason to believe that the coming years will be dominated by treatments based on the thread lifting.

Thread lift Aptos Light Lift

Aptos Thread Lifting Light Lift was created based on bio-absorbable material (polylactic acid), which is completely absorbed within 360 days. They give particularly good results for patients with visible signs of weakening skin structure and loss of firmness, which allows to achieve visible lifting effect around all areas of the face and neck.

Lifting threads First Lift Barb

Nici wypełniające wywołują regenerację skóry od wewnątrz.pobudzając fibroblasty do syntezy kolagenu. Oprócz właściwości liftingujących wynikających z zwiększonej produkcji kolagenu działają wolumetrycznie, w naturalny sposób wypełniając każdego rodzaju zmarszczki i bruzdy oraz zapadnięte tkanki. Do wypełnień wykorzystujemy nici typu Cavern Fill oraz Multi-Fill.​ Są to najbezpieczniejsze na rynku nici, które dają delikatny i naturalny efekt.